Author Note-Story on Hold.

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Sorry, for making you guys thinks it is next update. This is to notify all of you, the Unrestrain Love is now officially on hold, Apologizes.
I don't like making excuses but when it comes to updating this story I seems to doing it a lot but that is not I am giving up or it is not to say I would never come around to complete this story but for lack of better explanation, inspite of my desire to complete this story and devote myself to it. I sort of hit bump on the road of life and now I am trying to get my footing back in writing but I afraid I won't able to give Unrestrained Love priority. 
I thought to make it Sweet Dongfeng lovestory and I hope I was able to gave you sort of sweet moments with Dongfeng, hoping that would be consolation.
Thank You for all of your support and love.

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