A mystery dragon sent me a letter

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Qibli POV.

Qibli's relationship with moon had been rocky lately, and with them being so busy lately, they had drifted apart. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't really ever had a heartfelt conversation with actual communication. I wish I could see Winter right now. Qibli thought, feeling very frustrated. He was currently flying down to Jade mountain academy. Landing in the entrance cave, Qibli looked back at the sky. The sun was barely still visible.

Another dark figure appeared in the distance. Oh, Qibli thought, It's the mail dragon. The skywing zipped into the same cave as Qibli, his head dipping a little in a hello when they saw Qibli. They pulled out a stack of papers from their pouch, placing them in little slots in the wall. Qibli felt a little surprised as a letter was placed into his own slot. Was Thorn sending him a letter? Was something wrong?

"Excuse me Mx," Qibli asked the skywing,

"Who is this letter from?" The skywing shrugged.

"It said from unknown." Unknown? Qibli wondered, grabbing the letter out of his slot. Looking back at his his slot, a red Carnation looked back. I miss you flowers. Qibli thought. He had learned all about flora and fauna in class. He gently grabbed the flower as the skywing finished putting the letters into their respective places, flying away. Qibli went back to his winglets den to read his letter.

Sitting down at his desk, Qibli unrolled the letter.

"Oh, you got a letter? Who's it from?" Turtle said from out of nowhere, giving Qibli a small scare.

"Dunno." Qibli shrugged.

"Really? That's odd." Turtle frowned.

"Looks like it came from Possibility." Turtle pointed out.

"Seems so. Now shoo so I can read it!" Qibli said halfheartedly. Turtle nodded and whisked out the door. Qibli started reading the letter. This handwriting feels a little familiar... But I can't put my talon on it. Qibli continued reading the letter, laughing at the part about the moon. I guess they were writing at night. Continuing to read once again, he felt a little odd where the mystery dragon mentioned he and Moon having a wonderful life together. It felt wrong in a way. I love Moon, right? Qibli reminded himself, but it felt more like a question.

Qibli gave another small laugh at the letter, it seems the writer was worried about Qibli thinking they were a stalker. I doubt it if this was sent from Possibility. Finishing the letter, Qibli stared at it a bit. I wonder where I've met them before.

"Hmm..." Qibli pulled out a blank piece of paper and ink, then, he started to write.

After a while, the sun had completely disappeared from the sky. Qibli made a small flame to light his lantern earlier. Qibli looked down at his letter, or the one he had written. Perhaps I should send something back or-? Qibli looked at the Carnations. They stood for a strong admiration or 'I miss you'. Generally thought to stand for love.

Qibli pondered a bit, rereading his letter.

Dear mystery dragon,

To be honest, I was a little confused at first. But it's all good. Sense I don't know who you are, is it okay if I call you 'unknown', sense that's what you put. Anyhow, I'm doing okay I guess, just very busy. So I have been feeling a little overwhelmed. Don't worry though, I'm all good.

I guess you were writing this at night, sense you're talking about the moon. I'm writing right after dusk. Talking about moon, my relationship with Moonwatcher has been alright. Anyways, you said that I don't have to write back, but let's be pen pal's! So we can write to each other whenever! Well, I'm heading off to bed, so goodnight! Or whatever time you're reading this at!


Taking a deep breath, Qibli went to bed, blowing out his lantern.

Winter was there, handsome as always. Moon was beside him too. She smiled at him, so he smiled back. But as soon as he did Winter vanished, walls closing in on him.

Qibli woke up in a cold sweat. It was morning, the only time of day he could catch a glimpse of Moon, even though she was his girlfriend.

After cleaning up himself, Qibli went to the cafeteria, where 5 large tables sat, one for each winglet. Qibli sat down at his table, where Turtle and Kinkajou sat along with a few faces he was still getting familiar to after they replaced his friends.

Where's Moon?  Qibli wondered. At that exact moment, Moon came into the room, rushing over to the Jade winglets table. Dark circles were somewhat visible under her eyes. I'm supposed to help and comfort her, but I'm just sitting here doing nothing. Qibli thought.

Moon looked like she was in somewhat of a daze, one that she snapped out of when she saw Qibli.

"Do you have any Skyfire?" Moon suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Qibli said, involuntarily having a guilty thought that he couldn't help thinking, That's the first thing you ask? Are you not happy to see me? He knew she was busy and stressed, but it still felt like he was carrying the entire relationship on his shoulders.

"I uh- I think so? Why?" 

"Can you give it to me?"

"Uh...sure?" Qibli help out the rock Moon had asked for, as she snatched the rock out of is talons. Her expression relaxed, but was still tense. She got up from the table and left the cafeteria. Qibli felt drained, not even a 'thank you' or 'goodbye'? Clay came around and placed food in front of everyone. Breakfast, Lunch and dinner were always the noisiest times of the day and had the most idle chatter.

"I see that your relationship with moon is going... not so great." Turtle said, sliding over beside Qibli.

"Yeah..." Qibli answered, eating his food absently. Eventually leaving the cafeteria, Qibli went down to the botany labs. There, Qibli found Tamarin watering flowers. I wonder how she does it, even when she's blind. Qibli thought.

Suddenly, Tamarin stopped watering the flowers.

"Who's there?" She called.

"It's me, Qibli!" He said.

"Oh. Well what do you need?" Tamarin asked.

"Er, do you have any Hydrangeas?" Qibli replied. Tamarin paused for a moment.

"I think so. Wait here." She put down the watering can before disappearing behind some shelves. After a few moments, she asked,

"What are they for?"

"Well... I want to get to know someone, or understand them, I guess?" It was silent for about a minute when Tamarin came back with beautiful purple Hydrangeas.

"They're wonderful." Qibli breathed, gently taking them into his claws.

"Need anything else?" Qibli paused.

"Actually yeah, do you have any Carnations- preferably bright red ones?" Tamarin nodded, taking a shorter trip than the last time. She handed them over, Qibli thanking her again.

"Who are they for?" Tamarin asked. Qibli hesitated for a moment.

"I have no idea." Tamarin looked confused, but didn't question him, just nodding in response.

"Thanks again, Tamarin!" Qibli said, leaving the botany labs. Qibli ended up back in the Jade winglets den. He grabbed his letter and ink, adding in another sentence.

P.s Thank you for the flowers, I sent you some back.

Qibli rolled his letter up and tired it with a ribbon, snugly tucking in the flowers. Qibli pulled out a tag from inside the desk, marking it.

Possibility, For Unknown. From Qibli.

Giving a small smile, he went to the entrance of Jade mountain academy to send it.

{DISCONTINUED} - Carnations mean I miss youOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant