Waiting for things to get better

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Qibli POV.

Qibli gave a sigh, he talked to Kinkajou earlier but she whisked away after asking Qibli a few questions. He looked outside a while ago, and the clouds covered more than ¾ of the sky. The teachers had told everyone at the academy to stay inside as it would be dangerous to go outside. Not being able to fly outside for the next month will be annoying... Qibli thought when another ideal struck him, Wait, this means letters won't send as quickly if at all. He groaned, now feeling down, his mind wavering to another topic. I wish I knew who this mystery dragon was.

Qibli started to imagine what they could possibly look like, what could their tribe be, what would their scale colour be, the accent of their voice. Qibli gave a small 'hmm', according to the letter, it seems like it's someone I've met... Qibli wondered a little more, sliding onto his bed. I've met, like, every tribe so that doesn't narrow it down. They live in Possibility, or somewhere nearby so they aren't in Jade mountain academy. He looked at the ceiling, feeling hungry. Qibli decided to go to the cafeteria.

"Qibli! Qibli!" Kinkajou called. Oh, Qibli thought, so this is where she was.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Uh, I was hungry, duh." She rolled her eyes, eating a mango.

"Oh, yeah, me too." Qibli replied.

"Come!" Kinkajou demanded, grabbing Qibli's arm and dragging him over to the table. She sat down and licked her talons clean.

"So, I know I insisted that I'm super cool- which I am- but I can't decide what to do with your answers, I'm stuck." She phrased, giving a sigh before eating another mango.

"Oh, well that's-... at least we can get past that now." Qibli offered, hoping that this whole situation would go by.

"Nuh uh! Just because my questions didn't work doesn't mean we're giving up! But unfortunately... Well, not unfortunately, but I told Moon I'd help her today. I was hoping I could get you to help too, but it was difficult just to get near her. Well, not that you're the only reason I wanted to help her, she's my friend after all.

"Oh, that's nice?" Qibli nodded, replaying the whole paragraph of information Kinkajou spewed out in his head. So, summary: Kinkajou is still 'helping' me sort out my feelings and she is also going to be with Moon today. Kinkajou quickly got up waving Qibli a goodbye and whisked off again. Qibli reached over the long table and grabbed some sun dried lizards, eating them down.

Qibli slid down his scrappy chair and decided to leave as he had... somewhat enough food to eat for that day. Qibli stole a glance at another sun dried lizard, taking it and walking out of the cafeteria.

Maybe I should check out the mail, see if the mail-dragon is coming today. Well, I've done most of my work so I think I could. He trotted through the hallways to the front entrance where he skimmed through the slots in the wall, looking for his own. Oh! Here it is! He thought, tracing his talon over his name tag. Awe man, no letter. He turned his attention back to the entrance where the wind howled and the clouds seemed to have no end. Anemone had her gauntlets... I wonder why she hasn't used them. Qibli did a little stretching and started to head out the door.

Suddenly, a loud crash filled the room as a dragon plummeted into the floor. Qibli quickly whirled around to see the mail-dragon carrying the letters.

"Hey are you okay?!" Qibli asked, rushing over.

"Y-yeah... I think?" The skywing weakly whispered, obviously tired.

"Why are you here in this weather? It's dangerous to be delivering letters!"

"Well I need to get paid. Bad weather doesn't mean I have an excuse to not do my job." They mumbled, their voice hoarse.

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