!!𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 4!!

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  I sat there shaken, I wasn't sure of my response. I couldn't just admit to such thing, I would make them more worried about me. But neither could I lie about it.

   "Just, why?" My father asked me. My focus turned to him. I gulped as I thought of what I was supposed to say now. They wouldn't believe me if I lied, would they?

   "Hunny, please answer us" my mother tried to convince me to speak. I remained silent though, turning to look at the ground instead. They had to care now, they couldn't figure out themselves that their son isn't okay, no. They needed a doctor to assure them.

  "I don't want to talk about it.." I respond. Refusing to make any type of eye contact with anyone. I wanted to cry, burst into tears right there in front of them. They didn't do anything, yet I still felt overwhelmed. Still felt upset, their presence just scared me. I hated it.

  My sister was the only one to come up to me and hug me as tight as she could. I flinched at the sudden warm feeling, the sudden closeness, sudden affection. I turned my head to look at her, yet I couldn't see anything.
  Hesitating I finally give in and hug her back, trying to keep her close to me, making this special moment last for a couple of minutes.

  Seems like she had other plans, letting go off of me I look at her, she looked tired. Exhausted. As if someone had been keeping her up, her eyes were red and puffy, seeming as she was crying.

  "Why would you do this to yourself, Karl..?" She asks, I immediately look away. Why were they all asking me over and over again? They never cared when I was at home alone. Not even to call and ask how to I am. No.

  Sometimes I even think they forget I exist. It's like, I am not their son anymore, and for what? What kind of stupid reason?

  "I don't know.." I look back down at the sheets, crossing my hands as my eyebrows frown.

   Yet again there was silence. No one had anything to share, not even a word. We all somehow wished we just turned back to our duties, like nothing ever happened. Sadly that wasn't close to happening anytime soon, was it?

  The cold got in me again, I could feel my hands shaking, it got on my skin. It was as if someone put ice cubes on me or if I was stuck in a closeted cold room. Although I wasn't exactly.

  Before I could react in any other sort of way there was a knock on the door.

  "Come in," my mother said. The door opened as the doctor walked inside holding a few papers with a folder. "Good evening, I am sorry if I am interrupting anything but I'd like to speak with the patient for a while, privately," his cold voice said.

  My parents nodded their heads and left the room, my sister looked at me with a cold look on her face. I didn't like it at all, I hated it. She made me mad yet nauseous. Why though? I never did anything wrong to her...

  She finally left out the room as well closing the door behind her, leaving me and the doctor alone. What did they need from me now? Not only was I stuck in this room with my parents pressuring me for answers, I probably had to answer more for them too.

  "Karl Jacobs right?" The brunette asked. His hair was a bit curly at the front and he wore glasses. Not to forget the black beanie. It matched him, I am sure he has a great fashion style too.

  "That's- me, yes" I replied, my voice almost shaking. Not sure what to expect nor talk about.

  "I am Doctor Soot. Nice to meet you" they sat down at the seat near me. (Yes I did that)

  "Nice to meet you too." I set my position on better, my back on the pillow close to the bed frame. "Starting, I'd like to ask you a few questions," he said as his voice nearly came off to deepen a bit. What did he want from me now? Why was everyone so concerned about me? I didn't like discussing about myself.

  "What kind of questions?" I ask, trying to find a reasonable explanation for this before anything. "The papers of the hospital showed to-" I cut him off. "Sir I don't wish to continue this conversation about my mental health." My voice deepened, I changed my glare to him, straight eye contact.

  However, he didn't seem to be scared nor affected by what I had done. More like, he expected it.

  "As you wish then" The brunette responded. I must admit, I wasn't expecting that from him either. I thought he would pressure me to do as he tells, but I guess I underestimated him.

  Silence filled the room again, though if he showed me kindness I still felt uncomfortable with his presence, it's not that he didn't match my energy. His was just- different than others.

   "Is there a possibility you think, there could be therapy needed for your condition?" He asked me trying to get answers, but his trick was obvious enough. "I don't think so" I applied, "I am getting better and I think- after what happened I'll try to watch after myself more." I lied, I really didn't want to make all thus progress go for nothing, he didn't have to know the truth either.

  "Are you sure about that, Karl? You know if you really do need help you can reach out, we are here to help you after all" he fixed his glasses as he tried to persuade me into getting therapy.

  "I am sure" I finished. Laying down better, I looked away from him, making it clear I didn't want to continue. "Alright thank you for your time, I'll be taking my leave now" The brunette got up and checked some files before heading to the door.

  "One last thing" he said as he held the door's handle. "Yes?"

  Silence filled the room for a bit before he got his proper respond.

  "Don't ruin yourself for others Karl. They'll be the ones wishing they were like you." He smiled before opening the door and leaving.

  Why would he say that.. They weren't the reason in the first place. At least.. I think. But I didn't understand on thing from this whole conversation.

   What did and didn't he know about me...?


  Truly sorry for the delay of this chapter, I was really busy with things and did not have the right motivation to continue. Thank you for waiting and I sure hope you liked this chapter.

  Most of this was rushed but I'll try my best for next chapter to be even better.

  Take care everyone, make sure to hydrate and eat. Please remember you sre loved and appreciated. Have a nice day/night :)

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