6 - Different

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-George's Pov-

I was hiding. Afraid of exactly this happening as I peered through a small breathing hole that I formed out of a carpet of moss, sturdy twigs, and grass. I knew the hunter would come back eventually pulled my legs up to my chest. Scared.

My life is more in danger now than it was before now that I saved the hunter, and couldn't help but face palm at my stupid mistake. Bringing I'm back home.. but I couldn't leave him to die. Looking down at the ground a bit as I tried to think.

I peered a small bit and looked back out of the hole to see the hunter walking around. Muttering some things that my ears picked up and I shifted my position a small bit to get comfortable. Why is he here..? Is he here to end it? For once and for all?

"Look, I'm not here to hurt you." He called out and I could see him sweep his gaze around to search for me. I frowned, stubborn as I couldn't believe him just yet. Nor do I have a reason to. Closing my eyes, I grasped a fistful of the grass below me. "I don't believe you..~" I spoke, however my voice came from the trees.

Echoing a bit all around the hunter so my location wouldn't be exposed, so my voice came from different directions at once. I looked out again and could see how surprised the hunter looked as he wouldn't stop flicking his gaze everywhere. Trying to search for me. Hearing him mutter a 'woah..' and couldn't help but smile a small bit. No one ever found one of my features interesting or impressive like that..

The hunter paused a bit and sighed. I could hear him. "I just need answers." He said genuinely and I paused a bit. Looking away because I could hear the sincerity in his voice. But I was scared.. Why would a hunter so suddenly want to talk with a monster like me..?

"Please.. I know you can hear me. I need answers so I can understand." He spoke again, and with a shaking breath, I allowed the blanket of nature to unwrap from around me. Revealing me to the hunter who's eyes widened a small bit when he saw me.

My cape was wrapped around me gently, a way of comfort and protection, and a red mushroom hat sat gently on my head purely out of the fact that I found it cute and fitting. Pushing up my glasses a bit on my face and I slowly stood up. Avoiding the hunter's eyes hesitantly.

I could see how he was tempted to take a step closer to me and almost regretted giving in, when a little 'think' sound erupted a bit. Looking up and I saw the hunter's sword stabbed into the grass in front of him. A serious and firm look in his eyes but somehow, I trusted he wouldn't try anything for some reason. Nothing yet.

"Are you really the forest goblin?" Was the first thing he asked, quietly and with a glint of doubt in his voice, and I nodded. "I am. Why are you in my forest..?" It was my turn to ask now and I looked him right in the eye. Because the forest was my home, what I lived for and what I would fight for. I protect the forest during the day while phantoms and other creatures protect it during the night.

The hunter raised a brow and scoffed a bit. "I'm not going to answer that. I have another question, you saved me back then.." He frowned, glaring at me almost and I automatically knew where this was heading. Glancing to the side and I hugged my cape to me a bit. Why..? Why, is his question.

"You were injured.. I stumbled across your body but you were still alive, I couldn't leave you there-" "But why didn't you? Is this some sort of trick to gain my trust or some bullshit?" He snapped, glaring heavily at me now and I couldn't help but blink in shock. Huffing angrily right afterwards and I turned to stomp past him and towards my home. Shaking my head out of dis Leif but what did I expect? Definitely not a thank you.. "Well I'm sorry for saving you- go ahead kill me for trying to be civil or whatever." I scoffed and walked through the entrance of vines that spread out of the way naturally.

I wasn't angry, but more frustrated and sad that this is the type of reaction that my name has to bring. "And here I was thinking you could be different.." I whispered, once again leading my own self on with my wishful thinking. Dream frowned more as he watched me walk away. Reaching for his sword to yank it out of the ground and my heart skipped a fearful beat.

Squeezing my eyes shut and thinking he was officially going to do it- when he spoke again. "Thanks.."

He sighed. "You really did save me back then. But I can't trust you just yet." He said and I turned to look at him in a bit of shock. Blinking in visible confusion but couldn't help but crack a gentle smile. Definitely understanding that barrier of trust between us because nor could I trust him as well.

He slid his sword into its holster and ran a hand through his hair taking a step as he was about to leave. "I won't tell the other hunters about you, but I will be back." Dream said, personally not knowing if he meant that in a threat-intended way or just as a statement. George didn't know either, but it was good enough for him for now. Having a feeling the rest of the hunters won't be as merciful as this hunter was.

However he did wonder why Dream would even consider coming back. About to ask him that but bit his tongue and decided against it. Deciding to leave it at that and watched as he turned on his heels to head back and perked when the dirty-blond boy suddenly paused. Glancing back at me and my heart jumped in surprise.

Meeting my eyes with an emotion I couldn't identify exactly before he simply sprinted back the path he first came. I watched him run off, staring at the spot he last stood in as well as everything that just happened. Dream was stuck in his own mind too. Although he didn't get the answers he necessarily came for, he did rid of some of the thoughts that he originally had stuck on his mind.

Wondering just what could be so different about George and ran back to the village. But Dream had something else he had to worry about now..

his punishment.

The Tales of The Forest Goblin (A Dɴғ Fᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ) ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now