9 - George

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-Dream's Pov-

The path continued to become less and less familiar and I was fully convinced now that I was headed somewhere else. But I still followed the mushrooms that aligned the side of the path and I noticed they were much smaller this time. Fresh. Is he leading me somewhere? What if this is a trap..?

I frowned as I began thinking about the scenarios and possible outcomes of all this but my curiosity got the best of me and turning around was too late last as a curtain of moss soon blocked my path ahead. My feet coming to a slow jog before slowing down to gentle, curious steps.

"Hello..?" I ask wearily as I carefully step closer. On guard as I slowly push the curtain of nature open to the side. Gently peeking in as I took my first step in. And let me tell you, the sight was gorgeous.


In front of me fell a large waterfall. Glistening clear water that fell from above into a small fresh lake, flowers painted with colors beyond what my eyes were adjusted to see, butterflies and insects that flew around from plant to plant- and the little goblin boy that stood in the the shallow waters in front of me. Pant legs rolled up a bit, his cape was off this time and his signature mushroom hat was propped up gently on a brown fluff of hair.

The goblin boy turned to me and his eyes widened for a small bit. As if not expecting me to be there. His glasses where propped up on the edge of his hat this time to reveal two different colored eyes. "You followed the mushrooms.." He smiled a bit and I blinked in surprise.

"So you really were controlling it.. I thought I was delusional." I chuckled admittedly and his eyes widened a small bit. Not expecting my chuckle but he immediately smiled back a bit and nodded. "I can control nature.. it's.. it's a miracle I was sort of born having, so I use it to protect the forest.." He explained, news that definitely did shock me but it couldn't be seen through my mask obviously as I nodded and walked in from underneath the curtain of moss.

Taking few amazed looks around as I admired the area. It smelled fresh too. Like it was paradise. The more I looked around though the more details that caught my attention. The lillipads that moved afloat the water, the vines and large leaves that hung beautifully around from areas of the trees, the little frogs that hopped around and the dragon flies that's wings twinkled underneath the gentle sunlight from above. It really felt like paradise.

"Why.. why do you keep coming back..?"

The goblin suddenly asked as water splashed lightly after his feet with every step that he took. Looking over at me and I raised a brow beneath my mask. Which he most probably couldn't see. I shrugged. "Why did you leave me that mushroom trail? You knew I would come.." I said.

George blushed a faint bit and looked away, knowing that was the truth and gazed at the water below his feet for a small bit. Almost like he was contemplating answering before he finally spoke up again.

"I enjoy your.. company." He admitted, fiddling with the hem of his light blue shirt as he glanced at me shyly. Making my eyes widen a bit behind my mask and I looked up at him. Not really knowing what to say to that and ran an awkward hand through my hair.

"You're the only human who actually stuck around after meeting me.. and creatures of the forest aren't really talkers." He spoke genuinely and chuckled at the end a bit at his joke. Perking and reaching down into the water to pull out a beautiful baby-blue limestone. Adding it into the small pouch hung on his side before scanning around the water once more. Mindless of the fact that my eyes never left him and a gentle, kind smile subconsciously played on his lips as he searched for more.

Maybe I don't need to find my answers just yet..

"What are you picking, goblin?" I asked after a small while, stretching my arms a small bit and walked closer towards the water with a smile that he could not see. Seeing the goblin's eyes widen shortly before he beamed and looked at me. "Anything that looks pretty." He grinned, reaching down into the water again and picked up a forest green stone that he pocketed a second after. Adding to his collection of pretties and stones.

"And, you can call me George." He smiled.

"I'm Dream." I introduced back, surprised I was comfortable enough to reveal that but I did. And it felt right. George smiled and tilted his head curiously. "Dream.." He repeated in a gentle murmur and I couldn't help but smile at that.

Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I watched the brunette continue his little treasure hunt. Eyeing him for a bit before I decided to do something. Pulling out my sword from its holster and stabbed into straight up into the ground. I then reached down to take off my shoes and laid them next to it. Reaching up for my hoodie next and stripped it off in one go along with my duffle bags.

Revealing my scratched up back but also toned skin and muscles that admittedly held a good physic. I was pretty fit for someone who never truly took the time to work out, but hunting and training with weapons and parkour did add to my build. Hanging the hoodie on the hilt of my sword, I walked towards the water.

Feet pressing against the rocks and little pebbles that laid beneath my feet, and the water stinging my legs nicely as they got submerged in it. Not noticing George glancing at me as he was still pretty wary around me especially due to the fact that my stand with the hunter title still existed.

But I did notice how something seemed to occupy his mind now. Before he spoke. "How come you're not killing me.. or trying to capture me or something- isn't that what you first came to do?" George asked warily yet I could hear no malice in his voice as he turned to look at me and pushed up his hat gently so it didn't fall on his eyes. His eyes.. bright and colorful, it confused me as I'd never seen something like this before, but I found them beautiful-

Blinking myself out of my thoughts, I looked at George and sighed. Running a hand through my dirty blond hair. Something is definitely going on with me.

I frowned when I recalled on what he said and shook my head. "Killing you was the least of my worries when I first entered the forest, really." I frowned, despite him not being able to see it. "I originally came for resources, anything that I could take to help my village back at home." I explained, looking away for a bit as I remembered my main reason for coming here. And how I got distracted with my own shit.

I'm so selfish.. I was thinking about finding answers and forgot what what I really came here for.

"Everyone was going to die if I didn't do something.. so I stepped up and took the risk. I'm not going back on my word, but.."

"You're scared to fail them..?"

I paused, glancing back at George, and nodded. "Yeah.."

The Tales of The Forest Goblin (A Dɴғ Fᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ) ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now