20 - Battle Grounds

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((Bare with me 😭😭 I'm not the best at writing fight scenes))

-George's Pov-

The war had begun. I could hear the shouts and yells of our enemies approaching as I watched our first warning shot whiz through the air. It all brought back memories of the past because on this same battle field stood Mr. XD. Fighting, dying for the forest and for his village at once.

The sounds of shouts and yells rung through my ears, the sight of the pillagers running towards us with axes raised, their crossbows, it was all to familiar. But I wasn't backing down. Seeing the villagers running with their heads held high and their weapons raised with confidence.

I wasn't alone this time though. I had people with me. Mr. XD sacrificed his life for us, and I would do whatever it takes to pick up in his footsteps. I looked around the area a small bit, studying our surroundings before I closed my eyes and raised my hands, and with it shot out vines and roots from the ground. Swimming through the air around me magically like a shield and attacked whoever tried to attack me. First defense.

I frowned a bit in focus, hearing the screams of the fallen around me before my eyes shot open. Eyes glowing their brown and blue and my ears grew into elf-like ears as I activated my powers.

"Sick!" Sapnap's voice laughed beside me as the raven's sword clanged against the pillager's. Grunting when he was forced back but pushed forward with enough force to get the pillagers off. Sapnap swung his sword right after and landed a nasty hit. A few feet away fought Fundy and then Dream and the other hunters that were spread out.

But this wasn't it, soon enough loud, rumbling thuds echoed in from the distance. "Ravengers." I grit, breaking off into a sprint where I was soon boosted up by one of the hunters. Their shield acting as a platform, and I was lunges into the air. Wings of nature sprouted from my back and I quickly began to fly up above everyone. Coming to a stop when I saw the tumbling trees, and the large stone-like creatures let out a loud roar.


I took in a deep breath and my eyes began to glow once more as the ground beneath began to rumble. Dirt, stone and soil breaking as three large stone creatures crawled out of the ground. Moss covered their back and arms, sharp roots stuck out along the arms and body like horns, and each one of their arms soon rooted into long sword-like structures. 

"Attack the ravengers!" I screamed out loudly making my voice echo from everyone around us and the monsters let out a loud roar. Thudding forward immediately and they started jumping from tree to tree to avoid harming Dreams people.

Meanwhile everyone below seemed to be doing well so far. Dreams eyes widened as he watched the stone creatures climb the treetops, letting out an amused laugh as he watched them go before he glanced over at George. Admiring his wings in surprise but he was secretly scared for the brunette.

The thought of him getting hurt eating at Dream.

"Hey lover boy! Get over here already!" Karl yelled a few feet away from him just in time for another pillagers to raise his crossbow towards Dream. But the blond acted on impulse and immediately ducked. Swiftly swooping his legs underneath him and brought the pillager  to the ground just in time to ram the sword straight through his chest. Killing him.

"You came?!" Dream was finally able to ask as he got up from the ground and Karl grinned. "Sapnap tried keeping me back at the village but I whooped his ass and now I'm here-" "The hell you did! You said you would stay back Karl!" Sapnap screamed in panic far ahead of us and Dream laughed. Raising his shield just before an axe could hit him but they were getting stronger.

I grit my teeth as I began to fly off again, oh so wishing I could stay near Dream and the rest but I had to fight too. I needed to use my magic to the best of its abilities. Dream watching me fly off but he knew he couldn't follow just yet. Groaning as he pushed back the pillagers and sent him flying back with a kick.

Meanwhile I needed to look for one specific person who could help us.

I soared down to one of the highest trees and dropped down on one of the branches. Pressing my palms flat against the trunk and faint gold streaks painted across my veins and arms. Marking my skin with the bright color as I seeped my magic into the tree. It would signal all the forest animals around.

"We need your help, the forest is in danger and we need everyone we can get. Rush to the center and fight along us. It's now or never." I communicated as I waited for some response- when loud, legendary howls and screeches echoed from the forest into the night sky. Birds of so many species and colors flew out of the trees along side the phantoms and fireflies as they all headed towards Dream and the rest.

"This should hold out for now.." I whispered, glancing back once at the battle ground, before I jumped off and flew off into the distance. Scanning the forest grounds with my night-vision abilities until I finally found it. A secret only the eyes of mythical creatures could see.

It was a large portal. Magical, purple particles swarmed together to form the doors of another universe we call the Nether. Creatures like me were given a gift that only us could use for the better. Allowing us to see what some humans couldn't.

My wings diminished into dust as I stepped in the portal. Watching as the particles slowly swallowed me whole, and I suddenly found myself at my destination. The atmosphere was scorching hot, which was what the nether was well known for, creatures of fire roamed around some- some friendly and some easily provoked.

It was also a place of riches. Gold was its main source and you could almost find it anywhere. I started making my way through, keeping an eye out for unfriendly creatures as well as for the lake of lava surrounding me. This place was no place for a forest creature like myself, yet I swore to only come here when I really needed it.

Well, now was the time.

Soon enough I could hear the familiar grunts of piglins and the ear-splitting squeals of creatures called hoglins. I kept my head up in confidence as I stopped in front of the large fortress, the Bastion.

The sharp end of a bright, gold sword was suddenly aimed at my throat and held back the urge to accidentally swallow.

"What is your purpose here?" A Brute grunted, sharp gold axe held at his side. Protectors of the Bastion, of course.

Getting my confidence together, I spoke.

"I'm here to see The Blade.."

The Tales of The Forest Goblin (A Dɴғ Fᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ) ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now