11 - Hero

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-Dream's Pov-

The closer I got back to the village the more I began to remember what happened. The forest, my punishment, Sapnap. It all felt so surreal because it's the first time any of those things happened. Some may say I'm changing, having heard a few of that here and there from the rest of the villagers, but I simply saw it as stretching out. Discovering new things and taking risks to something that may be a miracle.

Either way I couldn't give two fucks about what came out their mouths.

The fireflies kept surrounding me in a sort of bubble, lighting up my way and driving away the phantoms I would assume. Or at least that's how I understood it from- George.

George confused me. He's a goblin, yes, but my only explanation for all of this is that the villagers made up these stories based on the fact that they had no proof. The villagers had no physical proof but they knew something was out there. In the forest. Yet they made it off to be a horrible living creature. A creature of corruption, pain, evil.

George was none of that.

And no matter how hard I tried to change that mindset of mine, I couldn't see him as a monster. Everything he's done so far, saving me from death multiple times, helping me -a hunter-  and the way I could sense not a single drop of malice or evil in that boy convinced me otherwise.

And I want to go back there again. Smiling softly at the thought of him, I crossed the border between the forest and the village. Glancing back to see the phantoms circle just near the gate entrance but fly back into the forest where they soon disappeared. As though their only goal was driving me out. I also watched the fireflies slowly break the shield around me and start flutter back as I slowed down. Chuckling softly as I watched them fly away- when I heard a snap.

My head whipping in the direction of the sound, ready to slice whatever it was into pieces with my sword- when I saw it was.. Sapnap. Standing there armorless and with his hands quietly stuffed into his pockets coolly. I let out a deep breath of relaxation and eyed him quietly for a short while before hauling the bags on my shoulders and moving to walk past him and towards the chef's haul.

I don't even know what to say to even..

Sapnap wanted to say something, but just let out a defeated sigh and followed quietly. Eyeing me a little as he tried to brew up some sort of meaningful apology or just something to say. But it was difficult, having never had a fight with Dream ever before and he hated the feeling of them being on bad terms.

Eyeing the bags of resources and followed.


The chef's haul was bustling with villagers, chefs and even a few familiar faces as we entered, drawing some curious eyes towards us. Specifically Ponk's who walked over to greet us with a welcoming smile. The chef's haul basically consisted of an eating haul and the chef's haul which was obviously connected to it. (A cafeteria sort of look but bigger)

"Dream!" Ponk grinned, opening his arms welcomingly and I chuckled, seeing him in his formal chef's outfit. Smiling underneath the mask, I dropped the many bags on the ground. "I've got you treasure." I chuckled lamely as I leaned down and unzipped each bag to reveal all the goods I was able to get ahold of.

Ponk blinked for a bit, eyeing the resources I was able to get and let out a loud, cheery laugh. Turning to everyone and he raised his arms in the air. "Large feast on me everyone!" He cheered and everyone erupted in sudden yells, whistles, and chants of Ponk's name.

I could sense Sapnap eyeing me from the side a bit, but didn't acknowledge it just yet as I watched everyone celebrate. Smiling a small bit as it truly felt like an achievement and turned to walk off, when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. Making me turn around confusedly and realized it was Ponk.

"Actually everyone, it's all thanks to Dream. He risked his life entering that cursed forest and, look how he's saved us! We shall toast tonight on Dream's name and his heroic actions!" He cheered again and my eyes widened a bit. Cursed..

Looking at Ponk who smiled determinedly at me and I playfully punched his shoulder with an unnoticeable smile. "Thanks Ponk" I chuckled and he winked at me with a grin.

"Go get that armor off and call everyone in. Today, we shall celebrate."

Giving him a curt nod and a smile, I walked off. Heading out into the dark streets of our village and perked when my name was suddenly called. Pausing a bit before I turned to Sapnap.

"Was it worth it..?"

I took of my mask, revealing my entire face.

"It was worth it." I repeated, nodding and smirked at him lightly. Nothing but a dim lamp post lighting the distance between us and he chuckled with a shake of his head. Walking towards me and pulled me into a hug.

"Bastard.. you better not die on me Dream. Else we'll have some issues." He squeezed me into the hug and I squeezed him back just as much. Scoffing with a smile and I patted his shoulder in a brotherly manner. "Love you too, man. Love you too." I chuckled, hearing a hum from him before we finally parted-

and I punched him.

"Son of a- what the fuck was that for?" He cried, glaring at me a bit as he clutched his arm and I smirked. Winking at him.

"Doubting me." I hummed and strolled past him towards my house. Hearing him curse me out behind me and I let out a wheezy laugh. Grinning as yet another worry was taken care of for me. But there was still something lingering in my mind that has been for my entire run here..

If it wasn't George that killed my father..

then who did?

The Tales of The Forest Goblin (A Dɴғ Fᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ) ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now