chapter 8

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Phoebe's Pov:

    The bells had just rang calling out Kelly and the rest of squad 3, leaving me with Gabby and Shay. I know Shay is her last name but everyone calls her Shay instead of Leslie, also it's easier to remember. I sat in Kelly's chair since he had just left. He doesn't really like anyone sitting in his spot but I think he will make an exception for me. I hope. Anyway Gabby and Shay were cleaning up the ambulance. Gabby looked over at me and nodded for me to come over. So I did.

    "Do you guys need any help?" I asked.

    "Sure, why not." Gabby says.

    "You can help me with inventory." Says Shay. Right as I get into the ambulance the bells go off.

    *Ding Ding*Ambulance 61 man down. Gunshot Victim. 2113 S. Homan Ave.*

    Matt starts running towards me. He lifts me up and helps me out of the rig. He puts me down and we just watch as they pull out of the firehouse. I look at Matt who is now looking at me.

    "What do we do now?" I asked.

    "Well, are you hungry? Mills is making lunch. I'm sure he can use a hand if you're willing to help."

      "Yes! I love to cook even though I can make little things." I say laughing.

"I bet if you ask him he would be more than willing to teach you." I look up at him and nod and we start walking to the common room. When we walk into the common room I can see mouch on the couch watching tv. I don't think I've ever seen him anywhere else but that spot. I smile at the thought. Mills is getting food out of the fridge and cupboards.

"Mills!" Matt yells.

"Yes lieutenant."

"Phoebe was wondering if she could maybe help with lunch."  Mills looks at me and smiles. I smile back.

"Ofcourse." I skip over to the kitchen counter and wash my hands.

"What can I help with?" I asked him excitedly.

"How much experience do you have?"

"Not much. I was hoping you would teach me." I tell him.

"Sure, anytime you want i'll teach you."

"Thank you" He smiles at me.

"So we're having macaroni and ham today. I wanted it to be simple since i'm going to have a pretty big dinner." He tells me.

"Macaroni and ham sounds really good. Maybe we should make a grilled chicken salad too."

"Good idea! I can make the salad as long as you start making the chicken for me then i'll follow your lead."

"Okay. I'll get started on the macaroni and ham." He tells me. He gets out the pans and bowls, then he gets all the stuff for the salad.


Matt's Pov:

Not long after i sent phoebe in with mills, i came back out and had everyone start running some drills. As i'm watching the guys i keep seeing this black tented car keep circling around. I don't really think much of it, we have people drive by here all the time debating or not if they should come in. but also they could just be lost. We finish one last drill until phoebe came out and told us food was ready. Mouch was first to drop everything and make his way towards the table. I stayed behind to clean up a little.

As I'm walking in i see phoebe sitting in where severide usually sits, she's talking and laughing with the guys. I smile at her. She notices me and smiles back.

Finding my way in ChicagoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora