chapter 2

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Phoebe's Pov:
It was morning and I had just woken up to it being freezing cold outside and all I have on is a hoodie. I grab my things and put them in my bag nice and neatly. I peek in the window and everyone is either grabbing coffee, watching tv, or sitting at the table eating breakfast. I think i should go in now while everyone is in there so that way i can have more people help me at once. I'm honestly really scared. What if no one helps me or what if the guy finds me and kills me? I need to make sure I can trust these guys before I give them anything. Here goes nothing.

The garage doors open up and I see some firefighters sitting at a table by all the trucks. I slowly walk in and some guys from the table see me and they say "lieutenant" and he looks up. They all nod to me and he turns around and gets up out of his chair and makes his way to me.

"Hey, i'm lieutenant Kelly Severide. Can i help you with something?" says Sevderide.

"Hi i'm Phoebe. And yes need" I said.

"Yeah of course, are you in trouble?" he asks me, looking genuinely concerned.

"Kinda, Is your boss around? Or are you the boss?" I ask.

He smiles at me then says "No i'm not the boss but i can take you to him if you would like."

"Yes please and thank you" I said as polite and innocently as possible.

We headed to wherever he was taking me but first we passed the room where people were still sitting down eating. I look over at all of them eating and then my stomach growls. Kelly looks down at me with curiosity.

He asks me "Are you hungry Phoebe?"

I nod. "Yes I haven't eaten anything besides a granola bar the past 2 days."

He gives me a saddened look and holds out his hand for me and we turn around and go to the room where everyone is eating.

"Here, our candidate Mills made us some pancakes this morning. Take as many as you want and you can come sit by me at the table."

"Thank you lieutenant."

"Call me Kelly."

"Kelly. Got it." I say smiling, which is something I haven't done as much as I should. While I get my food and make my way towards Kelly everyone is staring at us both. I put some syrup and butter on my pancakes and take a huge bite.

"WOW! These are amazing" I say stuffing my face.

"Yeah?" Kelly asks me. I nod. "Well good. Now when you are done eating we can go talk to the chief. That sound good to you?"

I swallow my food before answering. "Yeah sounds good." I say nervously.

Kelly rubs my shoulder and says "Hey don't be nervous we will help you with whatever you need. Isn't that right guys?" Kelly says looking up at his co-workers.

"Yeah. Yes of course." They all say in sync and I smile.

"Thank you everyone. It means a lot." Kelly looks at me and smiles.

I finished all the food on my plate and I took it and put it in the sink. I walk back to the table and Kelly is talking to some guy at the table. I was waiting for them to finish talking but then some guy walks up to me and says "Hi i'm Peter Mills. Can i get you something to drink?"

"Hi i'm Phoebe. Yes, Please can i have some water?" I asked. I was dying of thirst. He brings me bottled water.

"Thank you Peter Mills. And you're the one who made the pancakes right?"

"Yeah I am. Did you like them?" He asks me.

"YES!! They were so good. Definitely the best pancakes I've ever had."

"Good, I'm glad you liked them." He says smiling from ear to ear. He walks back into the kitchen and starts cleaning and I just look around.

Kelly had just finished his conversation and he must have noticed I was done eating. He looks at me and says "Phoebe, i want you to meet my friend Matt Casey."

"Hi Phoebe, nice to meet you." Matt says to me, smiling.

"Hi Matt you too." I say returning the smile.

"So Phoebe, do you care if Casey tags along with us as we go see the chief?" Kelly asks me. I wonder why would he want him to tag along but maybe he can help me too. "Sure, why not." I say.

Kelly takes my hand and guides me out of the common room. I think that's that the guy on the couch called it. We started walking and passed a bunch of people on computers and I knew we were close.

Kelly yells "Chief!"

The guy comes out of his office and goes "What is it Kelly?"

"I have someone here who wants to talk to you." The chief's eyes slowly meet mine.

"Hi I'm chief Boden how can I help you?" he asks me and his face fills with curiosity.

"I'm Phoebe. Can we talk somewhere private." I ask nervously.

"Yes. Right this way Phoebe." He waits for me to walk in front of him but I turn back and see Kelly and Matt are starting to walk away.

"Wait!" I say almost yelling at Matt and Kelly. They turn back at me with confusion. "I want you guys in there. For some reason I know I can trust you Kelly. Will you come with me? You too Matt."

"Sure kid." Kelly says smiling so I smile back at him. They follow me into the chief's office and I sit down in the first chair. Chief Boden takes a seat then looks at me to start talking but I looked at Kelly and he shook his head. And I just knew he was telling me 'i got this'.

"Okay so i'm kinda in some trouble but not like i'm in trouble more like i'm mixed up in it and i have no clue what to do." They all look at me concerned.

Chief Boden looks at and says "Go on."

"Okay so yesterday morning i was taking some pictures on my camera and i witnessed something bad so i decided to take some pictures of its" as i'm talking i start to pull out my camera, "So i did then i think the guy started to notice me, so i acted casually as i could and walked away, but then next thing i know i heard gunshots and i turned around and seen the same guy holding a gun. He had just killed whoever he was talking with and I took more pictures. Then I ran on a bus and waited to get off then the bus made it back to where it all happened and I saw cops everywhere so I got off the bus. Next thing i know a detective Erin Lindsay" I say her name and they all look at each other but i continue, "She starts asking questions like do i know what happened and i say no i have no idea. So i lied because i was scared i didn't know who i could trust. And what if that guy noticed me and thinks I saw something and tried to come after me?" They stare at me and each other and I start to shed a few tears. Kelly gets up and gives me a hug.

"It's going to be okay. Look, we know detective Lindsay. She's a good friend of ours, okay? We're going to call her boss Voight and get his unit here so you guys can help each other out ."

"Thank you so much Kelly!" I give him a hug and start to cry.

Finding my way in ChicagoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora