chapter 1

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Phoebe's Pov:
I was sitting on a bench when I decided to pull out my camera and start taking pictures of the beautiful 'Wendy City'. That's when I noticed something happening. I used my camera lens and zoomed in, and I got a better look. Is this a drug deal? Oh my god! It is. I noticed the guy started looking my way so I quickly moved my camera to behind them and pretended to be taking pictures. He seemed to buy what i was doing. I quickly but coolly started to walk away and was looking at my pictures as I walked past the gentlemen. *BANG* *BANG*

I heard 2 gunshots, I turned around and saw that it was the guy I got pictures of. Slowly taking out my camera and I quickly get some pictures before I get noticed. Everyone was running. They had no idea where the shots were coming from. No one was paying attention like I was, so I ran like everyone else to fit in. The first bus I saw I got on it. The bus driver was giving a weird look but I just took a seat and pretended it was all okay.

We're driving all around Chicago then we pass the spot where I ran onto the bus trying to get away from what I had witnessed. There were police officers everywhere. I decided to get off the bus. Now a blue SUV pulls up and a man and a lady officer get out of the car. Why aren't they wearing uniforms? They must be like detectives or special agents or something like that. The lady officer turns around to look at the crowd. She notices me and starts staring so I just stare back at her. She slowly starts making her way over to where I am. I freeze up, not knowing what to do. She finally gets to me and asks me a question.

"Hi, i'm detective Erin Lindsay
. Do you know what happened here?" she asked.

Should I tell her? But what if that guy saw me. I mean he did look at me a couple times. I need to tell someone I trust what I saw and right now I trust absolutely no one.

"Hi, I..I didn't see anything i'm sorry." I said back.

"Okay well if you hear anything just give me a call or you can always come down to district 21 and just ask for me."

As she is saying all this she gives me her card with her name, number, and the address. Which is good by the way because i'm not from around here. I was just traveling around and was passing through Chicago. I shake my head to her and she walks back to the older guy. They start talking then they both turn around and look in my direction. I start walking away.

I'm walking down a sidewalk of a street I don't know the name of and it gets me thinking. What am i going to do? I could help the police with the case. Why didn't i just tell the lady cop about what i knew and what i had? I'm passing this huge firehouse and I hear some bells go off then next thing I know an ambulance is driving out of the firehouse really fast. I just stand there watching. This is so cool! I go find somewhere to sit across the street and just watch the firefighters. They're doing something outside that looks like they're practicing for something. It makes me smile for some reason. I pull out my camera and take some pictures of the firehouse, firefighters, and the fire trucks. I take a picture of the firehouse sign and notice it has a number on it. It says "Firehouse 51" at the top of the building in big red letters.

Not long after I got done taking pictures of the firehouse, the ambulance pulled back into the building and 2 lady paramedics hopped out of the ambulance. As they are walking into the firehouse someone yells "Gabby" and the shorter dark haired paramedic turns around and walks up to this guy and hugs him. He is wearing a badge like the detective at the crime scene. Maybe they work together? The paramedic and detective are talking but i can't hear about what. They are finished talking and the girl says something like "bye big brother" or something i can't really make it out. He gets back into his car and drives off and she walks into the firehouse. All I know is that this guy is someone who can help me and this firehouse is the way for me to get a hold of them. For some reason I feel like I can trust this place and these people.

It's starting to get dark outside and that's when I realized how long I had been sitting there on the sidewalk. I walked across the street and started to walk past the firehouse and that's when I noticed all of the firefighters and the paramedics gathered into one big room. I walked up to the window and hid behind a tree so no one could see me. The last thing i would want them to think was that i was some sort of teenage creepy stalker especially when i needed their help. Everyone was sitting at a long table eating dinner. Now my stomach is growling. When was the last time I even had anything to eat? I can't even remember. So I took my bag and searched through everything and found a granola bar at the bottom of it. I unwrap it and take a bite. It doesn't take me long to eat the granola bar. I have nowhere to sleep tonight so I just decide to sleep where I'm at. I take out a sweatshirt I had in my bag and use it as a pillow. I really hope it doesn't rain. I start to doze off but before I do, I decide for sure tomorrow I'm going to ask the firefighters for help in the morning.

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