chapter 9

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Erin's Pov:

It was around 8pm when I finally got to leave the office. All day we've been trying to put a name to the face in the pictures Phoebe took but no dice. So we're going to run them through an international facial recognition database, and then hopefully we'll get a hit. We need to know who we're dealing with so we can protect Phoebe.

I pull up to the firehouse to pick up Phoebe. When I walk in I hear loud laughter, now that has to be Phoebe's doing. I just shake my head and walk in. I see Phoebe Phoebe sitting next to Kelly while everyone else surrounds them, watching her in amusement as she jokes around with Hermann.

"Well I'm an adult you have to do what i say."

"Yeah, well i'm an adult in a year and a few months but for now i'm still a kid, you have to take care of me not the other way around, so therefore I don't have to do it. Unless you plan to throw in a couple bucks, then that's another story." Everyone laughs at her for the way she just handled Hermann, not many people can do that.

"Wow. Hermann, I don't think I've ever seen you speechless." I say making my presence known. Everyone looks up at ma and Phoebe smiles brightly.

"Erin, hey" she says.

"hey , you ready to go?"

"Yeah, sure." Shes says as she gets up. "Let me go get my stuff." with that she runs off.

"Hey, you're here earlier than I expected." Kelly said.

"Yeah, Hank let me out early so I can pick her up and get her home."

"That's good. Anything new with the case?"

"No." I look around to make sure Phoebe hasn't come back yet. "Every lead is a dead end. Literally! And we still can't ID this guy or any of his crew."

"How is that even possible?" Gabby asked.

"Either he's new but I don't think he is because everything about this is perfect, almost like they're professions. He hasn't messed up once."

"But he did, Phoebe saw him." Casey says.

"Except for that. All loose ends have been tied up."

"But Phoebe's a loose end, isn't she?" Cruz ask and I nod.

"That's what we're worried about" I tell them.

"I hate to ask this but do you think you guys will catch him?" Casey asks me.

"I know no none of us are going to get a goodnight's sleep until we do." They all looked at me knowing it wasn't the answer they were they wanted but it was all they could get at the moment. Phoebe walks back in and we all look at her smiling like the conversation we just had never happened.

"I'm ready, goodbye guys." she smiles, waving bye to everyone.

"Come back soon." Chief Boden tells her "We love having you here."

"Oh I will, trust me, I gotta keep these guys in line." She smirks at them.

"Here I'll walk you out." Kelly gets up and follows us out to my car.

"How was she today?" I asked since Phoebe was ahead of us a little bit.

"She was good, it's how well she's putting up this facade as if it's not bothering her. Like nothing is wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"Well she was always smiling and making jokes but at times she would just zone out and when I would ask her if she was okay, she would just say she's super grateful for everything everyone's doing for her." He tells me with a small smile

"Well I know she's been worrying a lot about what's going on and I don't blame her. She's been through so much. She doesn't deserve what's happening to her."

"Yeah I know what you mean. Are you bringing her by tomorrow?"

"No imma take her to the district, just in case someone finds her and starts watching her. I think it will be good to mix it up to where she's at all day plus from what I just walked in on it could be good for her to be at the district and lighten things up a bit." I laugh just thinking all the things she'll put the boys through.

"Oh yeah! She's gonna walk in and keep everyone on their toes." he laughs.

"Yeah. Well thank you for today, I'll call you if we get an update and let you know what's going on."

"Anytime. Just keep her safe please."

"I will, I promise." I tell him and he nods thankfully. I get into my car and start driving us home


Phoebe's POV:

We just arrived back at the apartment. The whole way here I just kept thinking about what's going to happen to me. Will I make it out of this alive? I'm going to talk to Erin tomorrow because I'm too tired to do it tonight. So I go to the bathroom and change into my clothes from last night. I really need some new clothes, I'm running out, almost everything of mine is dirty. I wonder if Erin has a washer and dryer here.

When I walk out, I see her eating leftover pizza from last night. I walk over to her and sit across from her at the table.

"Hey I was wondering, do you have a washer & dryer by any chance? Everything of mine is practically dirty."

"Yeah, do you have enough for a load?"

"No, I don't have much. I packed light when I left." I tell her

"That's fine. I can just throw some of my things in with yours to make a full load, let me go get mine and you get yours." and I nod.

We go get our clothes and I follow her into the laundry room and put my stuff in the washer. When i walk out I notice an other room.

"What's in there?"

"Oh that's just an extra room of mine that I have just used as a storage room. It had some of my old things in there. I would have let you stay in there but It doesn't have a bed or anything like that. And the couch is much more comfortable than the floor."

"No you're fine. The couch is perfectly fine! It's way better than park benches and bus seats. Wait what kind of old stuff, if you don't mind me asking?" I questioned but I don't want it to seem like i'm prying.

"Just some of my things I grabbed from my room at Hank's. It has some of my old clothes that don't fit or I just didn't want anymore, yearbooks, some picture books, stuff from high school, things like that." she tells me then her eyes widened like she just realized something. "Wait if you want you can go through the clothes and take whatever you want."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course I was gonna give them to the salvation army, I just never got around to it. So just take whatever you want." she smiles.

"Thank you so much. I was gonna ask you to help me find a way to get some more clothes tomorrow but now I don't have to. Truly Erin, thank you, you do so much for me and I truly do appreciate it." I smile at her gratefully and she hugs me.

"If you need anything just ask okay."


"Cmon, let's get to bed, you're coming with me tomorrow to work."

"Good, now I have a new group of boys to pick on. This should be fun."

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