chapter 6

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Phoebe's Pov:

I'm the first to wake up. I must have fallen asleep halfway through the movie. I look over and see Jay and Erin asleep cuddling together on the couch. They both had their phones on the coffee table so I took them both. I pull out Erin's phone first and take a picture of her and Jay on it. Then do the same on Jay's Phone. Neither of them has passwords on their phones. I put the pictures on both of their homescreens. They're definitely going to put passwords on their phones now. While they are still asleep I go get dressed in the bathroom. I pull out the only clean clothes I have left out of my bag and get dressed.

I walk back out into the living room. Erin's and Jay's phones both ding. They woke up and noticed they both fell asleep on the couch together. They both check their phone and then look at each other.

"We got a lead on the case." Erin tells me.

"That's good! Since you're going to be busy today can I go hangout with Kelly at the firehouse today?" I ask her. Hoping she will say yes.

"That's fine with me you can go to the fire house for the day and I can pick you up after shift." She says to me. "Here let me get my phone out and pull up his contact info. OH MY GOD!" Erin half yells then looks at me and I know exactly what she is talking about so i start laughing. She clicks onto Kelly's stuff before doing anything else. She hands the phone to me and I text him.

*Kelly Severide*

-Hey Kelly it's Phoebe. I was wondering if I could come to the firehouse and hangout with you for the day. Erin and the team got a lead on the case. She will pick me up at the end of her shift.

*Sure! No problem at all! Just have her bring you over whenever.

-Thank you Kelly! I can't wait to see you and everybody again.

*You too kid!

"Kelly said that's okay with him. Just bring me by whenever!" I tell her and she smiles at me because I'm super excited.

"Okay. Just let me get ready and we will head over there." She rushes into her bedroom to get ready. I look over at Jay who is still half asleep.

I asked him "Did you sleep well last night?" We both just smiled at each other. "OMG! You're totally blushing right now. I better be invited to the wedding." I pat him on the back and we just start laughing. Erin comes out of her room.

"What's so funny?" She asks the both of us and we just look at each other, not answering her.

"Nothing" I told her, trying to put on my best poker face.

"Uh huh"

We all walk out of the apartment and get in our cars. Erin and I head to the firehouse. We drove in silence. I have a feeling she's not telling me something. It might be about the case and she just doesn't want to worry me. It's probably best I don't ask about it right now, but i am for sure asking her about it after her shift because then she will know more. Hopefully. I need to stop worrying about it because it's just going to stress me out and probably cause me to have an anxiety attack. I need to ask Erin is there anyway I can do anything to make money so I can buy me some clothes because I am running out. Maybe I'll ask Kelly. Ugh. I also need to get money so i can buy a phone so I won't have to use anyone else's. I feel like I'm using them but I'm not. By the time I was done drowning in my own thoughts we arrived at the firehouse. I could see Kelly sitting at the table where I first met him. He was sitting with the same group of people. Maybe he is the boss of that group or something. Erin parks the car and we get out. We started walking and Kelly must've seen us because he was starting to walk out. We reach Kelly and he opens his arms for me to run into them. So I do. I hug him and then look up at him smiling.

"Hey kid."

"Hey kelly"

"Hey erin."

"Hey, I hope it's okay. I brought her by. We just caught a lead on the case and she and she asked if she could come spend the day with you. I told her as long as it was okay with you, it was fine with me." Erin tells Kelly like she was making sure it's still okay for me to be here.

"Yeah, it's no problem. Really. If I get called out to a call I'll leave her here with Shay and Dawson until I get back and if they get called out to then she can stay here with Casey and the rest of truck 81." Kelly reassures Erin.

"Wait, Dawson? Isn't that Antonio's sister?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" Erin asked me, looking slightly confused.

"When you and Hank were talking in his office yesterday, me and the guys were getting to know each other. And Antonio told me his sister was a paramedic. So I put two and two together, They both have the last name Dawson and she's a paramedic." I tell them laughing. They start to laugh with me.

"Well i have to get to the district. Hank will be wondering where I've been."

"Goodluck on the case Erin. See ya tonight." I say to her as I hug her.

"Okay I'll text Kelly when I'm on my way to get you." She tells us both and then starts walking away. Kelly and I walk into the firehouse and head straight to the common room. When we enter the room everyone is spread out again.

"Everyone, this is Phoebe. She is going to hang out with us until Lindsay gets off of her shift." He tells everyone which is good because I don't know everyone here like I know everyone in the intelligence unit. I wave to everyone.

"Hey Phoebe. I'm Gabby dawson and this is my partner Leslie shay." She tells me pointing to the pretty blonde beside her.

"Hey kid, I'm Chritopher Herman."

"I'm Mouch."

"Joe Cruz."

"Brian Zvonececk, but everyone here calls me otis."

"You already know me, I'm Matt Casey." I noticed Gabby fixing her hair as Matt walked by her. I don't think anyone noticed her doing it besides me and Shay. I chose not to make anything of it, but i think Gabby might have a little crush on Matt.

"You know me too. I'm Peter Mills."

"I'm Chief Wallace Boden."

"Outside at the table is Tony and Capp. They are on squad 3 with me along with Mills." Kelly tells me. I nod my head.

"Hey everybody. Sorry if i bug you guys today. I don't mean to." I tell everyone.

"No. It's not a problem at all. You're welcome anytime." Chief Boden says to me and I smile.

"Thank you" Kelly rubs my back and looks down at me.

"Have you eaten this morning?" Mills asked me.

"No, we were in a rush this morning. So I didn't have time to eat."

"That's okay. I was just about to make some breakfast." Mills says smiling.

"Thank you." I tell him and he walks into the kitchen. Kelly walks me to the table and I sit down and start wondering what Erin and the rest of the team are up to.

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