Chapter 10

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4 years later...

Min-Seongs POV
Today was my release date, I spent 5 long years behind bars for my actions. I learned a lot while I was in there. I never forgot about him though... I still wondered if he was actually gone.

I walked, and walked. I couldn't go home, I didn't have a home. After my mother got arrested we lost the house. I still had some money but she used most of it for her legal team. I kept walking until I couldn't anymore. I was tried and needed rest, but where? I had no one. No friends and definitely no family. It was honestly pathetic. I saw a bench and sat down, it was evening now. I've been walking almost all day. I didn't even know where I was, I looked up and I was in a Plaza with a sign that read "Geumga plaza". This place sounds familiar but I didn't take much notice to it.

Under the sign it said "Call to get an apartment!" with a number under it. I didn't see much of an option, I called. A man answered and introduced himself as Mr.Choi, he was the owner of the building. I explained my situation and he agreed to show me some rooms in an hour. I sat and waited on the bench till then. He was 20 minutes late but I didn't care much. We walked through the empty halls to the housing. When we got there he opened the door '606' was the room number. I walk in shortly after him. It was a small dusty room, not what Im used too. I pay him for the room and he leaves.

I sit on a small couch in what I suppose is the living room. I was tried and needed rest, I closed my eyes and feel asleep. The next day the sun shown through the broken blinds. I rubbed my eyes and stood up to take a shower. I still have a few change of clothes with me. Mr. Choi was talking to me about the stores here and how I might be able to start work here. After my shower I dressed in one of my suits and went to look at the shops here. Walking around I saw a few interesting shops like the music store, I always loved playing for my mother when I was young. After an hour or so of talking with the owner she agreed to take me on as an apprentice. I started that day.

You and me (Vincenzo x Min-Seong)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora