•What do you hope for¹• Hoesok

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The whole walk through this dark hallway you feel your heart is situated in the pit of your stomach. You don’t even know why you agreed to follow through with this stupid dare. 

Oh, yeah! Your stupid best friend threatened to reveal your most embarrassing secret to the group. Is she even your friend? She dares you to face your worst fear and if you’re to refuse, she’d make you the laughing stock of the campus. Fuck this whole situation. 

At the stupid sleepover that she dragged you to she dares you to pay a visit to the abandoned mansion at the end of town. You don’t even know why college kids your age even gather to a sleepover at their age like a bunch of middle-schoolers. 

Walking in this empty hallway, you had your phone flashlight switched on so you could at least not trip as you wander around. You shine some light up to the wall you see old portraits that seem to be from centuries ago. 

As a child you remember your grandma telling you about this mansion. It was in this town hundreds of years ago and no one dared to rebuild it let alone remove it. 

Why wasn’t it a historical treasure used for tourism? Every person that set foot in this place were a part of three groups, they become insane, missing or found dead. 

Remembering those details you feel your heart begin to race, probably faster than it should. God, you could’ve lived with the embarrassment. Why did you stupidly choose to listen to that toxic fucker? You are so done with her if you come out of this building alive.

Your steps slow as you begin to inhale the scent that came towards you from the farthest north. It’s of lavender. It relaxes your thumping heart. You know deep down that this is the end. Feeling one last pleasure before you die. 

“Why couldn’t I lose my virginity before I came to this stupid house? God how much I want to lose it.” You mutter, remembering all the moments that you rejected guys attempting to bed you. 

You weren’t a saint, you just wanted to find the right one as lame as that sounds. Thoughts of all the things you wish you did before dying comes rushing to you. As you feel your heart-rate picking up again, the scent of lavender becomes stronger. 

Instead of thinking like an idiot you choose logic. You start walking the opposite direction of the scent. The desire to live takes over your body. It’s stronger than the stupidity of relaxing at this moment. Feet picking up their pace you hear a growl behind you. 

When your hand reaches for the door knob you hear a screeching sound, it isn’t near you. Turning the doorknob to the side you expect to see the yard in front of you. Well, that’s an expectation, you come to realize why the people that made it out were considered insane. 

It’s a staircase that leads to a basement. It isn’t the yard… the house shifted. When you turn back you see that the hallway is way shorter with no other way to go just this door in front of you. Not wanting to lose sanity you just choose the only other option, you sit on the ground by the door after shutting. 

You refuse to move. You refuse to walk into your death. You switch off the flashlight and wait. Closing your eyes trying to sleep through this rough quality horror movie that you’re experiencing, you are not going to go straight to death. 

You’ll try to elongate the time you have. Maybe the door will return to the way it was after you wake up. Resting your head on the doorframe you try to persuade yourself to fall asleep. 


The sun, you thought it would be up when you wake up but it isn’t. Checking your phone for the time you see that’s nine in the morning. There is no window, probably why it’s currently dark in the short hallway. 

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