Chapter 2

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        Kenzie walked through the front door of her family's large elegant five bedroom home, which was occupied by her, her brother, their father and her paternal grandfather. With the kind of money her father made he could afford it plus much more.

        Their kitchen was huge and spacious, equipped with all the tools their house cook Marcel, a 40 year old Cajun, needed. The living room housed expensive furniture, that guest enjoyed during lavish dinner parties. However, it was not used for lounging around in that was what the family den was for. Their large backyard held a small flower garden which Kenzie tended to every Saturday morning. Her father even had a one bedroom guest house built in the backyard for Jackson when he graduated from High School.

      Removing her coat and hanging it on the rack, Kenzie walked to the kitchen and found her grandfather, Leroy Clearwater, sitting at the breakfast table listening to jazz music while drinking lemon tea. Her grandfather was born a slave in the state of Mississippi and fought for his freedom in the Civil War. Once slavery was abolished, he worked hard to keep his family fed. Because he never learned to read or write, he made sure all five of his children learned how, especially Willie, who was the oldest.

        His eyes were closed as he tapped his foot and hummed to the tune of the music. Clearly he was oblivious to his granddaughter's presence.

        Kenzie loved her grandfather a great deal of a lot. He was the only adult in her life that encouraged her to follow her dreams, not shelter her like her father and brother, although they meant well.

        She took a seat in front of her him and made herself comfortable.

        "Papa..." She said raising her voice above the music.

        His eyes flew opened, startled, as he looked around in a panic. His facial expression softened once her realized his beautiful granddaughter was sitting across from him.

        "Suga Pie," He said smiling, showing nothing but gums. "You're home."

        "Yes Papa, I'm home." She replied.

        Her Papa leaned forward and held his hand to his ear. "What did you say?"

        "I said..." Kenzie began before getting up and turning off Jackson's handmade radio. She turned around and looked at her Papa with a pleasant smile. "I said yes I'm home."

        "How was school, Suga Pie?" He asked holding out his arms.

        She hugged him tightly before placing a kiss on his dark wrinkly cheek. "School was great." She answered not bothering to mention her run in with Helen.

        "Did you learn anything new today?"

        "Actually we started a new book today in my English class. It's called Romeo and Juliet."

        "What is that?" Her Papa asked interested.

        "It's a play written by William Shakespeare, it's about two teenagers who fall in love instantly, despite their families hatred towards each other."

        Her Papa's eyes looked so enthusiastic. "What happens to them?"

        "In the end they commit suicide because apparently one can not live without the other. When their families learn of what happens they decide to make piece. It's a very tragic play. I don't see why it's allowed to be read in school... It's definitely not romantic." She added more to herself.

        "As long as my Suga Pie gets the best education, then it's fine with me." her Papa said before reaching in his pockets and pulling out an envelope. "I got this in the mail today. I think it has my name on it."

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