Chapter 1

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Hello dear readers ! Just to inform ya'll that the first chapter is just an intro and the plot follows the pilot up to chapter 6.
Also, the first chapters are very short because I decided to split them into small parts when I first posted the story and now I can't really put them back together without consequences so I apologize in advance for that.
If you still decide to continue your reading, thank you and I hope you enjoy !

18 April 2019, Heaven

You were peacefully walking through the garden of your house, examining the flowers and enjoying the calm of the day, when a voice called your name.

"Y/n !"

You turned your head toward the direction of the voice. It was Michael, another archangel.

"What is it Michael ?"

"He wants to see you ! He said he needed to ask you something."

You frowned slightly. What could it be ?
You followed him along the way, slightly worried.
When you arrived to the throne room, your worry increased. Did you do something wrong ? No, it couldn't be that, you always behaved like a good angel. Then what was going on ?
His voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Hello my child." He greeted you solemnly.

"Good evening my Lord." You replied, bowing respectfully.

"You are probably wondering why I called you. The reason is simple. Y/n, you are one of the most powerful and loyal angels of Heaven and my trust in you is absolute. That's why I've chosen you for this mission.
You have certainly heard about the project of Lucifer's daughter, Charlotte Magne."

You nodded in response.

"I need someone trustworthy to keep track of her hotel and guard it. Therefore I ask you to go down to Hell and become the representative of Heaven and myself in this hotel. You will have to keep it out of trouble and help the Princess throughout her project.
Do you agree to do it, Y/n L/n, my Archangel ? "

"Yes, my Lord." You answered with a clear voice, although in your head you were at the verge of panic.

"Very good. You will leave for Hell in two days. Make sure to be ready. You can leave now."

You bowed a second time and exited the room.
You walked to your house like nothing happened, greeting the angels you met along the way.
It's only when you reached your bedroom and sat down on the bed, that you let your thoughts burst in your mind.
Why did you say yes ? Right, because He asked you to. But what if you get hurt, or even killed in Hell ? No, no, you were powerful enough to protect yourself. At least you hoped... How long will it take ? What about your friends in Heaven ? What if you failed in your mission ? What if the Princess didn't want nor need your help ? What if Lucifer opposed himself at you ?
So much questions without answers... It stressed you out.
So you decided to take a little nap to calm yourself and rest.

Blood and Feathers (an Alastor x fem!Angelreader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang