Chapter 6

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Another short chapter cause I'm lazy and I wanted to end the chapter here-

Previously in chapter 5 : Then he twirled Charlie around while singing, but a huge explosions interrupted all, blowing the hotel's door right on the face of the poor Niffty.

You immediately rushed out of the hotel followed by the others, and placed yourself between them and the danger.
At first you didn't saw anything in the area, but then you looked up to see something weird in the red sky.

It was a big floating ship, from wich a snake demon peeked out his head topped with a big eyed hat.
The rest of the hotel crew had got out of the hotel and stood now behind you included the poor Niffty, and except Alastor who was standing beside you with a wide amused grin.

"Well, well, well !" began the weird snake.
"Look who is harboring the striped freak ! We meet yet again, Alastor ! "

"Do I know you ?" The radio demon responded with fake confusion, his psychotic grin widening.

The snake's ego seemed to deflate as he responded "Oh, yesss you do !"

"Wait a minute..." you thought out loud.
"I saw this snake somewhere before..."

As he was about to turn around, you suddenly remembered.

"You !" You shouted, making him stop in his tracks.

"Yesssss ?" He hissed.

Now you were totally sure.
"You are the stupid wannabe overlord snake that ruined Charlie's interview with your dumb turfwar !"

" Exssscuse me ? I am not stupid and I am not a "wannabe overlord ": I am the future ruler of Hell, missss !"

You ignored his indignation with a small annoyed chuckle.
"You know... I would have loved to send you to double Hell... But sadly..."
You allowed your hidden wings to spread from behind your back.
"...extermination time is over for this year." You finished with an angry smile.

You saw him violently shivering before stuttering " A-an angel ?!"

"However... you still are a "threat" for the hotel so sadly, I will have to restrain you from attacking it a second time."

"If I may, this low life sinner isn't worth your energy." The radio demon chimed in.
You looked at him a little taken aback.
He continued.

"I can take care of it if you want."

"And... why would you do that ?"

"Well, I must prove to this charming ladies here that I'm truly willing to help !" He responded, gesturing toward a confused Charlie and an irritated Vaggie.

You gave him a suspicious glare, but accepted anyway. After all, it was a good occasion to watch his powers in action. Right ?

Well, this was nothing that you didn't already know.
He was able to control tentacles, to create teleportation portals, and used some voodoo magic as well. The only thing you learned was that he probably got shot in the head, as showed by the red "X" that appeared on his forehead when he used his powers.

As expected, the weird snake didn't stand a chance. He and his ship were crushed and thrown into a black hole on the floor, as the radio demon grinned darkly like the maniac he was.
Everyone was staring at him either in shock or in horror, except Niffty who looked happy and excited like the first time you saw her.

"Well I'm starved! " Alastor's voice startled everybody.
"Who wants some Jambalaya?" He continued while turning around and beginning to walk back into the hotel.

Angel shrugged and blew a kiss at the new-found bartender, who ignored it, Charlie bounced up and down with excitement and Vaggie forced a smile at her, Niffty... well, was just being Niffty, and they all followed him towards the hotel door.

"My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya. In fact, it nearly killed her! Hahaha! You could say the kick was right out of Hell! Ohoho, I'm on a roll! Yes, sir! This is the start of some real changes down here!"

You had stayed behind, so you were able to saw a lightning struck the hotel sign, changing it to "hazbin hotel".
You shrugged. Why not ? It was more commercial than "Happy hotel". After all, the majority of the demons didn't want to be "happy".
Sighing, you hastened your pace to the hotel.
You had a feeling things were about to get more complicated

"The game is set! Now...
Stay tuned..."

Blood and Feathers (an Alastor x fem!Angelreader)Where stories live. Discover now