Chapter 8

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Aaaaand im back haha... Im sorry dont yell at meeee
Enjoy the random fanart ~
Short chapter as usual cuz thats the only thing im able to do heh (´༎ຶ▽༎ຶ') enjoy i guess..

Previously in Chapter 7:
Alastor immediately snapped his head with a crack sound towards a puzzled Charlie who asked with a hesitant tone.
"Uh...What are the two of you doing?"

"Why, I'm just getting to know this charming lady over here better ! " Alastor cheerily replied, placing an arm around your shoulder.

You just crossed your arms and rolled your eyes before removing his arm.
"Don't worry Charlie." you responded with a sigh.

"Okay then, I was just going to ask you to show Alastor his room, if that doesn't bother you ?" she asked hesitantly.

"Sure I'll do it, give me the keys." You replied even if you were internally cringing at the thought of being alone with him again.

She handed you the keys and thanked you before spinning around and leaving you both.
You looked down at the key to read the number written on it.
Oh my Lord, why ?
Right in front of your own room.
Perfect, you sarcastically thought.
"Follow me if you want a room then." you said, standing up.

You began to walk toward the elevator without checking if he was following you.
You didn't need to anyways, the static behind you was enough to know he was.
You reached the elevator and pressed the button 3 as he stepped inside, the doors shutting right after him.
He surprisingly stayed silent during the whole climb, hands linked behind his back.
You didn't bother to look at him, nor did you talk to him either.
The silence, only perturbed by the light sound of static, was beginning to feel a bit awkward. But just as you opened your mouth to start a conversation, the elevator stopped brutally, making you lose your balance. You were about to put a foot before you so you wouldnt fall miserably, but a clawed hand grabbed your waist and stopped you from even making a step forward.
The hand gently put you back on your feet as a staticy voice asked :
"Are you alright dear ?"

What the hell ? One second he was glaring at you like he wanted to kill you, and the next one he was helping you ?!

"Hum, yes, thank you." you answered with the most assured voice you could.

Alastor's hand was still on your waist but he removed it as soon as you opened your mouth to tell him to. A bit odd, but-
You internally shook your head.

Let's not think about it too much. After all, he is a demon, an overlord to be exact. Hell has probably made him even more insane than he already was after all these years, you thought.

A "ding!" resonated in the elevator as the doors opened with a creaking sound.
You stepped outside and simply said :
"Follow me." while trying to forget the weird sentation of his hand on your waist.

Alastor's P.O.V : (the first one wooo)

After a rather akward moment while we were waiting for the elevator to bring us to the 3rd floor, the elevator stopped brutally, sending Y/n forward.
My body acted on its own as my hand grabbed her waist, preventing her from falling.
I pulled her back on her feet as I asked to keep my composure :
"Are you alright my dear ?"

She took a few seconds to answer.
"Hum, yes, thank you."

Just then, I realized my hand was still on her waist, so I quickly removed it, cursing myself mentally.
Though the contact was rather short, there was something weird about it.
Now that I think about it, I felt something odd when I kissed her hand too, but I couldn't pinpoint what it was.
Ah, yes. It was more silent than usual. Silence...

The voices...
They were quieter than they should. Yes, that was it ! The contacts with her seemed to sush them down.
Why was that ??

The ding sound that resonated in the small space forced me out of my thoughts. Y/n stepped out while saying "Follow me." and walking away in the corridor.
I did so as the voices started to whisper in the back of my head again.
The archangel suddenly stopped in front of a door, making me almost collide with her back. Luckily, I was able to stop myself before it happened.

She pointed at the door while stating: "It's here."

She then sighed.
"If you need anything, my room is just the opposite." she added almost with regret.

"Thank you dear !" I replied, becoming all cheerful again.

"Well, I'm going to go see Charlie in her office. Have a good evening." she said, handing me the key of my room, then spinning around and walking away.

Well, I was sure not expecting to meet such an interesting creature in this hotel ! That was only making my stay in this place more entertaining than I thought it was going to be !
With a satisfied grin, I twisted the knob of the door after unlocking it with the key Y/n handed me, and stepped into my new room.

That's it. Hope it was ok ! Bye people and don't forget to vote and maybe comment if you enjoyed this short asf chapter !
Have a nice day/evening/night ~!

Blood and Feathers (an Alastor x fem!Angelreader)Where stories live. Discover now