Chapter 9

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Hi there beautiful demons of hell ! It's been a while ! qwq
Don't you love it when the author suddenly leaves for a few month and reappears out of nowhere ? :D
Anywho, i got a new chapter for ya'll ! (if anyone is still reading this crap)
Enjoy ? ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

~ One week later ~

3rd person P.O.V. :

It had been a week since the whole interview incident and Alastor joining the Hotel.
You did not interact much with him, since you were trying to avoid him as much as you could. You were here to protect the hotel and be His eyes on what was going on with this project afterall, so it wasn't exactly in your plans to get killed by an overlord.
And yes, he hadn't truly showed any intentions of doing so, but you prefered to play it safe.
And what was more safe than to not see him at all ?

Little did you know, that your behaviour toward him did not have the effect escounted AT ALL.
In fact, you avoiding him was making him even more curious about you than he already was, as well as irritating him. He wasn't pleased at all by the fact that you swiftly went away every time he showed up around you. Boy does this guy hates to be ignored.

Unluckily for you, Alastor was very stubborn. And smart.
And could teleport.

It was starting to get hard to stay away from him when he litteraly popped up beside you at completely random times.

Like this time, when you were just peacefully reading a book about hellhounds (you needed to stay informed about hell's inhabitants after all) sitting on a couch in the hotel's library, and he just appeard out of nowhere in a bunch of static, resting his arms on your head from behind you and asked you what you were reading. You, of course startled by the staticy deep voice ringing in your ears, simply grabbed both his arms and threw him above you and on the carpet on the floor in front of you. Reflexes, okay ?

"Oh god. I'm sorry." you apologized upon realizing who you had just sent flying through the air.

"Haha! No problem my dear, for I am perfectly fine !" Alastor replied, brushing off the dust on his coat with his clawed hands.
"You didn't answer my question though ! What book are you reading ?"

You sighed and put down your book. You knew it was no use to try and just run away from him at this point.
At least you could try and make your replies as blunt as possible. Or not.

" It's a book about hellhounds and the specie's evolution. "

"Oh really ? Do tell me more. Why would you read a book about this lower category of demons ?"

Sigh. He really wasn't going to leave you alone.
"Because, even if they have a lower rank than you sinners, they still represent a great part of Hell's population so I think it would be a great thing to learn about them a bit. Don't you think so ?" you replied, trying not to sound too annoyed.

"Hmm..." he rubbed his chin with his index finger, " You're right ! However, I do think it would be more interesting to get to learn more about us sinners, and especially overlords like me. Aren't we more interesting than these filfthy dogs ?" he asked, more like a rethorical question, his disdain for hellhounds showing in his voice.

"Why do you hate them that much ?" the question slipped out of your lips. Screw your damn nosy self.

He seemed to hesitate for a really short moment, before anwering :
"I just despise dogs with a burning passion ! I think they are nothing but stupid, useless and pitiful creatures ! Hahaha !"

You started to wonder if there wasn't any other reasons behind his hatred for canines.
He was a deer demon after all. Weren't deers hunted ? The hunters did use dogs to help them...

You snapped out of your thoughts, lightly shaking your head. Why were you thinking about it so much anyways ?
You then realized that Alastor was staring at you once again, seemingly deep in thoughts as well. You cleared your throat, making him jump a little at the sudden sound.
You could have sworn you saw the palest shade of pink dusting his cheeks for a split instant, but you just blinked once and it was gone. Weird.

"So. What were you doing here exactly ? I suppose you weren't really here just to ask me about the book I was reading." you asked, arching a brow at him.

He cleared his throat before saying " Well my dear, I actually came to talk with you for a while ! After all, we haven't gotten the chance to properly know each-other ! " he exclaimed, swinging his right arm over your shoulder, squeezing you against his torso.

"Ah, well... You're right but do we really need to do this right now ?" you replied, trying to get out if his strong grasp, but this was no use as it slightly tightened around your shoulder.

"Of course darling ! We simply cannot ignore each-other for eternity ! " he responded, his grin widening as a low chuckle leaved his lips.

"Surely that was not what you were doing, right Y/n ? "
He added, a dangerous tone in his last two words.

Uh oh... This wan't leading anywhere good.
You were in trouble now... All thanks to your stubborn and rather stupid attempt to avoid him.
I should've listened to Husk when he said he hates being ignored...

Aaaaand that's it ! :> short as always but let's not talk about that
I honestly don't know where Im going with this story, I don't have any idea of the end whatsoever hahaaa (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') since it's my first real fanfiction (,,•﹏•,,)

Consider voting for the chapter if you enjoyed it ? ><
I also have a oneshot book about our favorite strawberry bambi out there if you wanna check it out (that i will probably update. Probably )
Thats it for now, buh-byeee !

(ps : i did totally not write this chapter in the middle of the night XD, apologies if there is any typos/ errors)

Blood and Feathers (an Alastor x fem!Angelreader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें