Chapter 5

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Previously in chapter 4 :
While Alastor walked away taking Charlie with him, you decided to go sit on the couch with Vaggie and Angel.

"So what's the deal with Smiles over there ?" The spider asked, sucking on a popsicle.

"Seriously ? You never heard of him before ?"
Vaggie replied dumbfounded.
" The radio demon ? One of the most powerful being in Hell ?"

Angel just shrugged.
"Meh. Not big on politics."

Vaggie began to explain to Angel who he was and why she didn't trust him, you just trailed off because you already knew it. You were beginning to zone out when Angel's voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Ya done ?" He cut her off.
He then snickered. "He looks like a strawberry pimp !"

You couldn't help but snort at his comment.

"Well I don't trust him." Vaggie said angrily.

"To be fair, do you trust any man ? Men ?"

Vaggie just stood up and left to go talk to Charlie, while Alastor was observing the canvas on the wall and you and Angel were sitting on the couch.

You zoned out once more, until a violent wind gust hit you. Your eyes widen when you saw Alastor extending his hand to Charlie with a green halo surrounding the scene.
Your mouth opened but before you could shout "no !" Charlie raised her hand... and refused the deal.
You let out a relieved sigh.

Alastor then talked with Charlie for a bit, before walking towards you and Angel.
Your body immediately tensed up, but to your relief he began to talk to Angel.
You heard him ask "And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?"

"I can suck your dick !"

If you were drinking something you would have spit it out or choke on it.

"HA ! No."

"Your loss...~"

The radio demon then turned his head towards you, before coming closer and asking you approximately the same question.

"I'm protecting the Hotel." You answered drily.

"Very good !" He exclaimed.

Then he turned to the others.
"However, this just won't do ! I suppose I can catch in a few favors to liven things up !"

He approached the fireplace and snapped his fingers, making a black shape appear out of it.
He grabbed the shadow thing and lifted it up.
A big orange eye popped on its face, and next its whole body coloured itself, revealing a cute little cyclop demon.

"This little darling is Niffty !"

"Hi ! I'm Niffty ! It's been a while since I made new friends ! Why are ya'll women ? I'm sorry that's rude- oooh man this place is filthy! It really needs a lady's touch- which is weird because you're all women no offense."

The little demon then began to clean up the lobby with an impressive speed. She was almost blurry !
Too captivated by her, you didn't paid attention to what the radio demon was now doing, until you heard a husky voice.

"Ha ! Reap'em boys ! Full ho- whooooaa -tel ? What the fuck ? "

You turned around to see an angry winged cat demon pointing his arm toward a smug Alastor, who hid his arms behind his back.

"You !" the weird cat yelled.

"Ah, Husker, my good friend ! Glad you could make it !"

The so named Husker growled.
"Don't you "husker" me you son of a bitch ! I was about to win the whole dawn pot !" He gestured toward a bunch of money posed on a table, which disappeared in a bunch of static.

"Good to see you to !"

The cat facepalmed with an exasperated sigh.
"What do you want from me this time ?"

"Well my friend I am doing some charity job and I took upon myself to volunteer your services ! I hope that's okay."

"Are you kidding me ?"

The deer rubbed his chin in fake thinking.
"Hmmm... No I don't think so !"

"I ain't doing some fucking charity job."

You disinterested yourself from the dialogue for a moment.
The next thing you knew, you were wearing a fancy 20's dress and Alastor was singing.
You looked at him with wide eyes as he tap danced with Charlie, before putting a fedora and a faux fur fox scarf on Vaggie and slapping her ass.
Then he twirled Charlie around while singing, but a huge explosions interrupted all, blowing the hotel's door right on the face of the poor Niffty.

Blood and Feathers (an Alastor x fem!Angelreader)Where stories live. Discover now