Heart on rampage •

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Golden rays of the morntide came as in invitations to the new day, uncovering the world from it's sleep. Every person in his or her home or habitant was getting out of bed, preparing themselves for their daily duties.

And that was the same thing that a previously comfortably sleeping girl was doing. 'Waking up.' She sat up on her bed, yawn and stretched at the same time.


'What a bright morning!' She smiled and then focused her eyes to adjust to the light.

Yep, this was Heidi Holden, waking up from her world of nightmares.

She had been having bad dreams for quite sometime now, and what happened along the road, was another bad dream she would try not to think about in this good morning.

It would only bring her morning mood to be ruined. Well, at least, that was what she took the incident to have been, a bad dream, just like the others.

Once her eyes registered to the light in the room, her mouth almost dropped as she couldn't believe her eyes.

'Holey money....what's this place?' she thought at the realisation that had just unfolded in her eyes.

She wondered if this was also another dream. If it was, then why was it so realisitic? In fact, why were all her dream so real like?

Eyes looking down at herself, she realised she wasn't in her usual huge pinkish girly pujamas she wore at night, instead, she was wearing a white Lacy nightgown as her body rested on a large sized bed she had never imagined she would once sleep on.

The room itself was a large fancy one compared to her usual medium-sized room that was mostly made of wood.

The sun rays were reaching straight to her body as they easily penetrated through the glass slide door at the side of the bed she was sitting on.

"You're up," said a male voice from Heidi hadn't paid much attention to yet, jumping and accidentally falling to the tiled ground from panic.

A male voice, in the same room she, a female, was. What did that mean?

Hmm.... Her brain went to work. It only meant...that she was kidnapped, yes, kidnapped!

That could explain the reason why she didn't remember a thing on how she got here. Hearing this man's voice, it was evidence to prove that this was no dream!

Hmm...then what would be the purpose or reason for his action? Ugh... yes, he took advantage of her. According to her, that was it.

What else could explain this situation other than that? And what would this man be doing in the same room with her dressed like this?

Coming to an envisioned conclusion, based on the situation at hand, Heidi felt her heart quiver from anger and regret. If she hadn't walked all by herself at a late hour, then she wouldn't have been kidnapped and....raped!!!!

Tears ran down her cheeks.

But then, she rubbed them away with the back of her hand. What was done was done!!

Nothing could change that! And it wasn't her fault! It was that jerk's....

Her eyes coldly looked back at the man, who was now standing as he stared at her with a puzzled look.

'What is she up to?' He wondered when he noticed the girl's sudden fierce glare.

On spotting the source of the voice, the Heidi was taken aback for a moment.

The man was so gorgeous, in fact, it would be an underestimate to call him handsome.

Spikes of his dark hair were like ocean waves, some of it's trochoids lightly flowing out of the chest of his head and receded in the front part of his head, covering part of his left eye in a modest hairstyle.

But like his delicate face, it was rare and beautiful.

His long slim nose with thick black eyebrows and thick black eyelashes together with his thin pink lips were just so hard to look away from.

Plus his jawline that made his face look even more manly.

Heidi was stunned and for a moment, she was unable to look away.

But of course, still upset at what the man did, she chose to ignore his looks. His looks were this good, but deep inside, she knew he was very ugly.

They were just a cover to hide that ugly side, and she wasn't gonna let herself fall for them.

Finally, Heidi charged at the man, totally shocking him. This was serious!

Standing in front of him, Heidi grabbed his collar, despite his tall height which was a huge difference from Heidi's, she still tiptoed and grabbed his collar, unfazed.

"You asshole!" She started, "You deserve to die!"

At the moment, the man seemed to have frozen as he did nothing other than stare at the girl with a confused look.

"Am gonna make sure you pay for your crimes!"

The moment his ears heard that next phrase, he was like, 'that's it. I've got enough of this nonsense.' His hands forced hers off his shirt before he looked at her with a now cold gaze.

"Never, ever....put your hands on me like that again or –"

"Or what?! Mm? You'll kill me?! Raping me wasn't enough for you?" The girl yelled, showing no sign of respect or fear for him at all.

This rendered the man speechless. He just didn't know what to do. What was this girl talking about?

Letting out a small sigh, he tried to calm down. "Where did you hear that?" was his simple question.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Obvious? So you're trying to say that I raped you...because it's obvious? I look like a rapist to you?!"

"Actually, you don't," she paused, giving the man another thought that maybe she had a better reason for her judgement.

But, "That makes me wonder why a good looking man like you would be so lustful?" yep, that was the statement that got him disappointed as the girl spoke with a little disgust.

The man ran his hand through his hair, wondering how to start to make this woman understand that all her  judgements were all wrong, and she had gotten it all wrong when suddenly, a smile crept his face.

Just like that, the man started to unbutton his shirt; button after button. His well-sculpted body started to come into sight and then, he unbuttoned the last button.

Before Heidi could even ask what he was doing, the man effortlessly carried her off the ground, princess style.

"Aaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!" Her scream filled the room as her hands hit the man's chest with all her energy, hoping he would put her down.

And like he heard her silent plea, he finally put her down.

However, what followed that got her heart to go on a rampage.

Yes, the man did place her down, but what made it terrible was that he placed her on the bed.

Once he was done, he got on top of her, his legs stranding her as his strong hands pinned hers firmly to the bed.

Seeing her rapid breathing and her terrified look, the man couldn't help smile mischievously.

"What are you doing? Are you out of you mind?" Her hands fought under his tight grip.

"Yes, I am." was the man's smooth response, totally cool and for a minute, Heidi stopped fighting and look at him with confusion.


"I said...am out of my mind. Isn't it what you want to hear?

You said I raped you, didn't you?"

His head moved closer to her ear, "So now, like you said I did, am gonna make it true.

I.am.going.to rape you........"


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