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Early in the morning, the artistic golden sun got up like a baby and started painting the dark black sky into a bright blue sky.

The bright looking milky clouds got up from their sleep and started travelling around the sky visiting the wonderful environment.

The tall brown murky purple snow coated the mountains standing alone stood covering the entire nature.

Next to the mountains and near to the forests, there was a waterfall with ivory white water splashing down to the river as if someone was spilling a glass of milk.

Out on the farms, one could see farmers in tractors, and other farmers already dwelling into their daily routines.

Long, tall brown and green paddy fields looked like someone had spread a green dusty bed sheet.

Fresh windy cool and crispy air started whistling like an invisible ghost.

The red and green in colour birds with chilli like beaks started twitting their morning Melody, waking some of the people who were still in their beds.

It was a beautiful cool mornin, full of joy and if one listened closely, from the town, he/she could hear noises of laughter and chit-chatting people, talking and laughing about God knows what as they did their daily duties.

While, on the other hand, some people were still in their homes, enjoying their day off with their beloved ones.

Today, Heidi and her relatives, including their home caretaker, enjoyed a breakfast full of happiness.

Even Jake had arrived to join the family, having asked for a two day leave from work.

In fact, not only him but also Jr and as for Mr. Harvey, being that he was the boss of himself on his farm, he didn't need to ask for a leave from anyone.

So with all that, they all had gathered to spend sometime with Heidi.

It was like a small celebration for Heidi's safe return.

After all the worry and tension they all got from Heidi being kidnapped, they felt it was worth to celebrate her return.

As it would also help them bond even more.


Since this was like a celebration, there were some things needed that were not available and needed to be bought in a nearby town and this required someone to go buy them quick.

At first, Heidi was an exception to this, as she had to be available for the small celebration all time.

But being that she ensisted so much, they decided that she could go with a condition that she left with her brother, Jr.

And so with that settled, Heidi left with her brother and headed to the nearby town.

The town was just a twenty minute walk from where they resided didn't take long for them to make it there.


"Brother Jr, let's have some ice cream. It's been long since we had it together and I kinda miss it." Heidi spoke with a pleading face and her brother agreed immediately cause he too missed having ice cream with his sister.

And he didn't want to annoy his Lil sis on a good day like this. So it wouldn't hurt to have a small ice cream with her, would it?

Of course not!

It didn't take long for them to eat up their ice cream and just like that, they had to head to the minimarket ahead, buy the needed staff and head back home.

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