The devil himself

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Meanwhile, in the same state, somewhere in one of its forests, a number of about ten men seemingly searched for something in a derelict warehouse as they looked around the place.

The place was aburdoned and since it was within the forest, there was no light in the place at all, apart from the natural light that was produced by the bright moon.

Though, these men didn't seem to care about the darkness and neither about that fact that they lacked torches as they looked around the place as if it was broad day light to them.

Their dark messy hair, dark as their suit jackets and pants, messed with the dark night sky.

Inside the jackets, one could see white shirts that they didn't seem to bother tacking in well or fully buttoning.

One could say that they looked alike, if they didn't put their facial looks and sizes in consideration.

"Bro, starting to get a little scared.

What if we are in a trap? None of us know this creature we are gonna fight...and what it's capable of doing. We might be dead bodies as I speak."

One of the men, who also seemed to be the smallest and youngest of all, spoke as his body trembled slightly.

"You're scared? Hahahahaha.....

Hear, Sam, little bunny is scared! I think he needs his mummy...hahaha.."

Hearing this, all the men laughed out scornfully, causing the small man – little bunny – to feel angry and offended.

"Laugh all you want...but in a few minutes from now, the creature is gonna come.

Hee....I tell you, none of you will keep those smiles up anymore. Instead, you'll wet yourselves!"

Once those words left little bunny's mouth, all men stopped laughing and coldness replaced their smiles...walking towards little bunny in unison as if they were some zombies.

'Shit! Now I pissed them off!' The man thought as he subconsciously moved small steps backwards, which was towards a wall close to a window without a window pane.

These men, walking towards him were his friends, and he had known them long enough to know their strengths and weaknesses.

So little bunny was aware that they were stronger than he was, and because of that, they would pick on him and he would do nothing.

And even when he wanted to do something about it, he couldn't cause they would all gang up on him at once.

Like they were doing now.

None of them had ever sided with him or treated him fairly. They were all just the same, and he had learnt to love them that way.


Seeing little bunny's body tremble, they all shared glances before busting out in laughter once more.

'Hahahaha....' They laughed foolishly.

Little bunny rolled his eyes angrily at them. 'These impudent beings! Can't they be more reasonable for once?!'

But unbeknownst to them, a man in black clothes, amblingly made his way to the warehouse.

One could compare his black clothes to the ones ninjas wore excluding his head that had a cape instead that covered his entire head up to his lips and a long cloak that hang freely from his shoulders.


His right hand dragged along a sword, that it continuously produced a whistle like sound that came as a result of it's tip being intact with the rough ground.

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