Turned on**

2 0 0

"I.am.going.to rape you........"


Heidi's mind malfunctioned, and as she felt the man breathe in her scent, she did nothing, almost like she had given up to him.

Her nape skin became sensitive and her blood, in that area, blood like it was being heated.

She was sacred silly, no girl wouldn't. And the only thing she thought of that could help, was a silent prayer. Maybe a miracle could happen and help her get out of this lion's grip that was about to eat her whole, who knows?

Well, lucky for her, the heavens we're siding with her that moment, and they her silent prayer immediately.

The door that led to the room was bust wide open, eventually attracting not only Heidi's attention but also the man's.


In, came a young looking man, dressed in a casual and cool way and basing on his wide smile as his eyes roomed the huge room, he seemed simple minded and a jolly type of guy.

However, once his eyes landed on the couple that was about to starting making love, he froze, his smile slowly fading from his face and his eyes widened.

'What the f**k!' He spoke inwardly, still frozen.

As he stood, another man in butler clothes came running, as if he was chasing after the other man that had previously entered the room.

Stopping at the entrance, his eyes too landed on the scene before his lips dropped.

Though, unlike the other man in question, his eyes looked away immediately and he bowed his head.

"Young master, am very sorry... I failed to stop Sir Wayne from walking in. He said he wanted to see his room." He said worriedly.

As he spoke, the man caught in the act slowly made his way off the bed, before his eyes glanced at the still frozen man and then the butler.

"It's alright....you can leave now," was his calm response, showing completely no sign of anger or displease.

Once the butler was out of sight, he stared back at the other man addressed as 'Wayne' ,"follow me."

Then just like that, he started to walk towards the door, but before he could finally leave, he looked back at the girl still on the bed, his lips curving up abit.

"Wait for me."
He spoke in an emotionless tone and finally left the room.

The two men walked through a brightly lit corridor, and then entered a huge room that looked like a home office with two bookshelves, a piano at one corner, a couch and an office table and chair at the other end of it.

The men took seats in the couch, Wayne still glaring at the man with shock. He still couldn't believe what his eyes had just seen and how this man was reacting like it was nothing.

When he arrived, honestly, he wanted to see his room. He called the room his because it was the one he always used whenever he visited.

So, it didn't hurt calling it his, did it? Well, reaching in his room, the scene he found bewildered him. It was like he had just witnessed a pig fly.

"You..." He started. "You were making love with her?....You?"


The man didn't answer and in the next one minute, Wayne jumped from his seat and started yelling like he had finally snapped out of his spell.

"Oh my God!!!! I can't believe it!

Harry Watkins, making love to a girl?! I need to know that girl! How was she even able to soften you, Mr. Rock?!

And you don't seem to have been under any spell!!"

"You know what, I should call this day special cause....this is like a miracle!

I now believe the phrase some humans use, yes....'no man can survive a temptation.' I believe it now.

In fact, let's have a selfie together, I need to put this on my Instagram!!"


Wayne kept yelling with excitement and disbelief. Harry Watkins was his friend whom he knew very well never was interested in ladies or love.

Wayne would rather believe that aliens truly existed than believe that this man Harry was in love.

The man was very lucky that he had eye capturing looks that ladies just threw themselves to him, despite his cold nature.

But what really made Wayne confused was that the fool pushed the ladies away!

Tsk...totally foolish.

Sigh.....he deserved the nickname Mr. Rock.

But now, the scene he found in his room still shocked him. In fact, he started to think that maybe Harry just pretended in front of all of them all this time but when, in secret, where no one was seeing, he used his chance.

That was what he was thinking of him now.

But as we all know, Harry wasn't love to Heidi, instead, he was teaching her a lesson by doing exactly what she had said he did.


Harry sat silently in the couch, throwing his head back as his mind replayed what he was about to do.

Back then, he was also silently praying that something or someone would interrupt the moment.

He knew what he was about to do was crazy, but for a moment, he felt he couldn't hold himself back anymore.

This too surprised him, how his body got so turned on before he even did a thing.

That was the reason why he didn't get upset when Wayne and the butler bust the door open. In fact, he felt like he had just been saved.

He wasn't a type of guy who could force a girl or woman in doing things like that.

NO!! NO!! He wasn't that kind of monster.

However, that didn't change the fact that he was so damn turned on in a way he had never been before.

He had a hard time stopping himself. And he didn't know if he would've done it if Wayne hadn't entered the room.

He just didn't know.

As they were in the room, two men in dark blue suits walked in panickingly. They immediately rushed to Harry and Wayne and bowed for them at an angle of 90° before they stood upright though, their heads stayed bowed.

"Young master," they said to Harry.

"The girl....she's escaping!"


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