Tuesday, November 14th, 1990.

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I do not like Ivor Jones. Is that a wicked thing to say? He is just a mean boy. I have never harmed him,  but he tries to make me sad. He pulls my hair & dips the ends of my pigtails into the inkwell and sometimes pokes me with his pencil. Somehow he found out that Mr. H gave me a birthday present of you, Diary. I do not know how. Bess swears she didn't tell him, and she would not lie to me. Now he keeps coming up behind me and yelling ''TEACHERS PET!!!'' In my ear. He is very sneaky about this - he does not let Mr. H or any other teacher see him. Dear Diary, I wasted all my energy at school and have no energy left to write, I will do better tomorrow!

Signing off, Y/N.

An Ocean Apart I Chinese!fem!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora