Wednesday, November 15th, 1990.

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For the first time in my life, I didn't wanna go to school today. All because of Ivor Jones but Baba is making me go because he can't afford to look after me. I wish I could just stay with you, Diary. but I must obey Baba. I will see you after school.


I think this day proved to me that Ivor Jones will never change his ways. We had a security guard come to our school and guard the entrance. During math this morning, while Mr. H wasn't looking, Ivor pulled my hair but he had very bad timing. Two seconds after he had grabbed my hair, Mr. H turned around and saw what Ivor was doing. Mr. H got very upset and told him he was going to stay in with him at lunch recess. During lunch, me and Bess were standing under our classroom window (which is on the second floor,) when Bess suddenly looked up and told me ''Whatever you do, do not turn around.'' I really wish I hadn't have turned around because what I saw was just plain MEAN. I saw Ivor pulling his tear duct down and making silly faces at me. I could also hear so very faintly: ''Weird eyes weird eyes!''  I bet he wouldn't like it very much if I called him ''Round eyes.'' Then, the security guard came over to us and saw Ivor and thought Ivor was making silly faces at HIM. The security guard told us to stay there and he would be right back. Me and Bess both saw through the window the security guard dragging Ivor out of the classroom. Me and Bess both started giggling but kept it to a minimum. Well, what can I say? Your actions really do come back to you. Well, I have to go help Baba at the restaurant now. See you tomorrow Diary!

Signing off, Y/N.

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