Tuesday, November 21st, 1990

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Today was crazy at the restaurant. It was so bad I went home and cried for hours on end. Maybe writing it down will make me feel better. 3 Canadian guys walked into the restaurant and the second they walked in I already had a bad feeling about them. Oh, before I forget, Baba couldn't work at the restaurant today so it was just me and Wong Bak. Anyways, one guy ordered tons of stuff and I was in the background, surprised if they were gonna eat it all. Wong Bak kept making trips to the kitchen while I was making trips to get them more tea. At the end, when it was time for them to pay the bill, the guy who ordered all the food took the bill and ripped it up till it was in a dozen of tiny pieces and sprinkled them on top of Wong Bak's head. ''You ate our food so now you have to pay for it!'' Wong Bak yelled. The guys just laughed and left. Not only did they do that but they also kicked our sign out front! To be honest, it hurt me a little bit. If only Baba were here... I wish I were a boy so I could be strong and stand up for Wong Bak. My eyes are blurry from all of the crying and It's becoming more difficult to write because my tears are hitting the pages, making the ink go everywhere. I honestly don't even know if I'm holding my pen right. I will sign off here.

Signing off, Y/N.

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