Thursday, November 16th, 1990.

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I felt very sad today, Dear Diary. Not about what Ivor Jones is doing to me but about Ma, Y/G/M & Y/L/B. After school, I had asked Mrs. Lee if I could be a babysitter for her 5 children Luka, Lisa, Jenny & Kuro. Her husband, Mr. Lee had a very stern look on his face just like he always does. Expecting Mrs. Lee to refuse, she actually accepted with a very happy look on her face! She said she needed somebody to look after her children while her and her husband were at work. How hard can babysitting be? After all, it will be good big sister practice for when my brother comes. I start on Monday. Besides my new babysitting job, I have received a letter from Ma. I'll paste it in here so I won't lose it.

Dear Y/N,

Your grandmother has gotten very sick and your brother is being more ignorant than ever. Oh, how I wish I could just walk out on him, but I can't. He is my son. I also really wish your father was here, I know we haven't had the best relationship before you guys left to go to Canada but I still love him and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way. I am working overtime more than ever because of your grandma. The medication she needs isn't cheap. I try my best to go for the cheaper things, like tea! While you are in Canada I don't want you or your father to forget about our traditions, just like when I boiled eggs and dyed the egg red for good luck on a family member's birthday. I also hope you got a good look at our environment, culture, and your grandma. Who knows? By the time we come to Canada, she might not be here with us.

I miss you, Y/N.

and that was the end of the letter.

Signing off, Y/N.

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