Saturday, November 18th, 1990.

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Today I got 2 letters! One is from Ma and the other is from Eiko! Baba won't let me keep Ma's letter, so I'll have to paste it in here.

Dear Y/N,

Your grandmother's illness is getting worse & worse by the day and your brother is no help either. I just can't wait till you, Budo and your father make 1000$ very soon because I don't know how much more of this I can put up with. Baba reached out to me and told me you had made a new friend and you were going to her house for dinner on Sunday! Your father has also informed me of the men in your area. Please, do be careful! I understand why he sent Budo with you. With these conditions I would aswell. You might be wondering what illness your grandma has, we don't know yet either, but we are trying really hard to figure it out. Till then... stay safe.

Sincerely, Y/M/N.

and here is Eiko's letter!

Dear Y/N,

I am so glad we became friends yesterday! I am really excited about the fact that you are coming to my house for dinner tomorrow. I will tell you some stuff about me because I don't know what to talk about when you have a new friend (haha.) I come from Japan and my favourite food is Onigiri! My favourite colours are red, black and yellow! I am 10 years old and my favourite subject in school is art! That is all I am gonna write to you for now. See you tomorrow Y/N!

Sincerely, Eiko Nunomani.

my hand is crampy from writing all these letters... I need to take a break!

Signing off, Y/N.

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