Sunday, November 19th, 1990.

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                                              水戈大人 水大戈人 水大戈人。。。

Today was an awesome day! But something I realized was that Eiko might have not been as lucky as I thought. After Budo dropped me off, Mrs. Nunomaki answered the door and told me to come in. The first thing I saw when I walked into Eiko's house was the chef in the kitchen making our meal. Eiko's chef snuck us a bit of chicken but we got caught by Mrs. Nunomaki. The second Mrs. Nunomaki turned around he did it again. I asked the chef what he eats and he said he eats the leftovers and sits at the table when we are done at it. After we had finished dinner Eiko led me to a room full of people, mainly men. They did a huge presentation and I stayed way longer than I was supposed to. I came back around 12:00 AM and slipped into bed, not waking Baba. I am tired so I will write about how my Monday was tomorrow evening! 

Signing off, Y/N.

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