Monday, November 20th, 1990

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I felt like today could have been better. I started my babysitting job at the Lee's today! Bess nor Declan were here though. Baba also told me we had received another letter from Ma. He never lets me keep them, so I will always have to paste them in here. I am very tired from looking after Mrs. and Mr. Lee's children so I will just simplify the letter. She basically said that she needed 10$ so she could find a doctor for grandma and that things weren't getting any better although Baba said that the next letter would be filled with good news. Our savings pile has gone down a little bit because of that 10$ we had to give to Ma but that means we will just have to work harder. Oh, I forgot about my new babysitting job! They weren't the easiest children to take care of I'll tell you that Dear Diary. It has also started snowing already! The temperature has dropped and while I was walking to school with one of the Lees younger children her feet got too cold so I had to piggyback her most of the way. The Lees have 4 children, their names are Luke, Ayano, Ryoba, and Taro. Other than that the baby (Luke) was really difficult to feed, this morning when I got to the Lees house before school I tried to feed Luke but he kept smacking the spoon out of my hand. The 5th time he smacked the spoon out of my hand was when it hit my blouse and the food splattered all over it. ''Oh dear...'' said Mrs.Lee. She ran upstairs and gave me one of her old blouses from when she was 11 and thought it might fit me. I tried it on and it did fit so I got changed into her old one and she put my soiled blouse in a bag. Now let's move on to Ivor, because Bess wasn't here I couldn't defend myself so I tried my best to ignore it. When I got home I told Baba about my blouse and he said he would wash it. After he washed it he told me to put the blouse under my mattress so it would have no creases or wrinkles when it dried. Then I came to write in you diary! The sun is going down and I'm having trouble seeing what I'm writing and I don't even know where my pages are! I'm going to sign off here, Dear Diary.

Signing off, Y/N.

An Ocean Apart I Chinese!fem!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora