chapter 13

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With her hands on her mouth, Laura run upstairs in tears going to her room. The door of her room was slightly opened, she pushes the door with her body, entering inside.

She bursts inside the bathroom, using her claws to tear her clothes, her body feels like it is on fire, a wave of heat flowing to each parts of the body. She fall down on her knees, biting her lips, due to her teeth being sharp and long, blood drops from her lip to the floor.

Sluggishly, she pushes herself to the bathtub.


As soon as she enters, a little water jump out of the tub to the tiled floor.
The warm temperature was not enough to cool the heat, she opens her mouth gasping for air. She struggles to raise her hand to the buttons that is on the tub, she pressed the blue one. Then water trickles down from the shower head, before coming out fully. She sighs in half content, the hotness reduces a bit but her body still aches. Her body relaxes as her head rested on it.

Her emotions did not allow her to enjoy the peace that came from the water, a lone tear finds it way out of her right eye before she bursts into full tears. “ Oh goddess, why me ? Why are you letting me to suffer ? My heart does not abhor wickedness, I did everything you commanded. Why can't you just listen to my heart desires, why can't I be with the one I want not what you want. I love him but he picked his mate over me, after promising heaven and Earth. He betrayed me, he does not love me. I hate him, I hate you Miles Anderson! I hate you.” She breaks into full sob as her body vibrates while covering her face.

“ Laura...” Beta Roy stands in the door way, his heart clenches seeing his sister this way.

Laura heard her name, she raises her head and snaps her direction to the entrance. “ Brother...” She calls him in the same tone he used, sober. His feet carry him as fast as he could, he wraps his hand around his sister, her head resting on his shoulder. It was less embarrassing for her since the tattered clothes was still able to cover her nakedness.

“ I hate him Roy, but my love is still greater than my hate.” She cries, he pats her shoulder, comforting her. “ I know, he is an asshole but he does love you.” She sniffs, raising her head, her eyes glisten with tears. “ Don't lie to me Roy, he does not love me. He never did , if he truly did he would have reject his mate.”

Roy chuckles, “ Well what I know that an Alpha can not reject his mate, it will weaken him, it can't even lead to his death. Both his mate and him are bonded as one, if his mate dies, his wolf dies along and maybe him if he truly loves his mate. Also if he rejects his mate, the pack will not look up to him as a leader and the council will have a reason to remove him from the Alpha's position. So there are a lot of consequences if he rejects his mate.”

She sniffs, “ Is that why he still with her ? Is that why he did not reject her ? Does that mean he loves me ?” Her eyes glint with hope as she asks.

“ I don't know, maybe but I am sure he do love you. You should hear him when he talks about you to me, when he is always wishing the council meeting or any meeting he goes to should end very quickly so he can run to your arms,” Roy chuckles making Laura's lips tug upwards, her cheeks swelling with a faint of red. “ Him asking about your favourite things so he can buy it. What you guys have with each other is love, true love. If it is not it, I do not know what to call it. That love blinded you to reject your own mate, it is definitely stronger than the mate bond.”

“ Then why is our love not stronger than his ?”

“ The bond between an Alpha and his mate is very strong that it is not easy to break, it can never be broken. The least you could do is to let him realize how much he loves you, you can seduce him to sleep with you. I am definitely sure you two were about to mate, right ?”

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