chapter 14

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“ Is this his room ? ” Neavea asks as she glances around, she was not expecting his room to be like this. She assumed he's a minimalist; when it comes to his room but she assumed wrong. His room did not depicts an alpha staying there rather a teenage bad boy's room. Different posters of boy bands, artistes and some motivational posters were decorated on his wall.

Neavea snorts at his unkempt bed, the bed sheet looking crumpled, clothes scattered on the floor, the desk that was beside his wardrobe is looking untidy with the stacks of papers on it. “ You sure this is his room ?”

“ Yes, why are you shock ?” Lex asks as he places his Alpha gently on the king sized bed.

“ Well that is because I expect his room not to be like this.” She made a funny gestures with her hands, referring to her surrounding. “ It does not give me a serious vibe rather a playful vibe. And this is really messy.”

“ Yeah, Laura usually helps him to clean. You can employ a maid if you wish, and as for the room, it has been decorated right from his teenage age and he refuses to change due to his personal reasons that is not mine to tell, you can ask him.” Lex dusts his grey pants as explains to her. Her eyes stayed on his bulgy arms filled with tattoos for a while before rolling her eyes.

“ Anyways you can go, call the Laura to clean this mess up."

“ Oh the Laura I was talking about is his girlfriend, should I still call her ?”

“ Nope, no need. I will sort my self out.”

Lex laughs, bobbing his head. “ I figured. Have a great night.” He says to her before exiting the room. She let out a long breaths, staring at the mess then her eyes move to the reason of the mess, hissing out loud while making a mental note to ruin his life and he will have no choice but to reject her.

Slowly her lips curl into a wicked grin, loving the ideas that are flowing in her head.


He stretches out his hands above his head releasing a big yawn, rolling to the other side of the bed. He feels something very soft that caused some sensation on his hand and arouse his wolf's emotions. It was not possible for Lauren to be here; they have never slept together in his room only hers.

Despite feeling confused, his eyes were still remain shut , he shifted his body closer and his hands went to a softer place, very squishy and sweet to touch. His lips curled into a large smile as his erection grew bigger but it was quick to vanish, replacing it with a scream.

He jerks his hand away, and his eyes flew open, sitting up immediately, his lips press firmly together while he carefully try to remove the big nail that was stabbed on the back of his hand; he was pulling it out gently like he is preventing his hand to break.

Neavea sits up, eyeing the man that was meant to be brave but here he is, nursing a small injury she caused. She scoffed at the way he was pulling it, if she did not do anything it will definitely remain on his hand or he will carry himself to the clinic to perform surgery on it.

Not taking it any longer, she grabs his hand and pull the nail at once with no mercy. “ Why'd you do that ?” He screamed, using his other hand to stop the blood from sprouting out.

She rolls her eyes, standing up from the bed. “ Next time, don't touch my breasts. It is not yours.” Miles and his wolf feel shattered hearing her words.  While making her way to the wardrobe, she tossed the bloody nail in the waste bin. After taking the first aid box, she made her way back to him.

She snatches his hands, sitting near him. She wipes the blood with the soft cotton wool that is already dabbed in the methylated spirit. A grin finds its way to his face, he was feeling all too giddy to hear a word she is saying. He stares at how she was focused, cleaning his wound and her lips moving, the lips he envision kissing, that sweet plushy pink lips. His adam bob moves up and down, gulping. He did not feel the aching on his hand but the aching in that down area was too much for him to bear.

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