chapter 16

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                ♥Chapter sixteen♥. 


“ Interesting, not what I expected.” Nora chuckles, “ But anyways what's the question ? ”

Half smug smile finds its way on Neavea's face while she speaks. “ I thought you said no other powers work here, then that means the anklet has lost its power, isn't that so ?”

“ Yes...No, I meant to say no. As long it is made by my magic, the power stays valid.”

“ But not here, your white witch magic or whatever you call it does not work her.” Neavea adds with a snide grin. She lifts both her shoulders in a form of a shrug while she says,“ I mean why on earth is there a crack ?”

Nora looks down on Nea's ankle, and her eyes widened; mouth gapes open while tongue suddenly felt dry, she staggered almost tripping on something yet known but regain her balance quick along with her composure. “ I guessed that slipped my mind, but that won't stop me from executing you to death. Your magic does not work here.”

“ That's strange. The same tingling sensation I felt many years ago, is flowing through my veins making me crave that feeling of destruction.” Neavea says, looking down on her fingers that is buzzing with yellow sparks. “ I feel my body not able to contain the magic, it's begging me to let it out and I want that. I want to let it out, Nora.”  Neavea's mouth curled up into a half smirk, her legs lifting on its own while the golden anklet glow with red before it melts along with her clothes.

Nora, the almighty white witch trembles. Her face turns ashen as her eyes meet with that of Neavea's ethereal glowing yellow eyes and slowly her gaze trails down to the skin that is now covered with scales of that of a dragon. Hard to admit, she found the radiant beauty of the mixed blue and yellow colours with a tinge of black scales absolutely beautiful, it was breathtaking even the way her long white hair flowed down to her foot level.

“ How did she manage to be in both her two forms ?” Nora wonders out loud with a shaky voice. “ Terror has been unleashed and it's my fault.”

“ How about a fair duel ? The loser dies.” Neavea quirks an eyebrow at the white witch beneath her.

“She must die, I must get rid of her. I must ensure the peace of the world.” Those words resound in her head makes her square her shoulder back in confidence, her chest out and chin high also it made her agree to the duel to death. “ I shall ensure you leave here dead.”

“ Let's see about that.” Neavea protrudes the archia's sword and assume the stance of a warrior with her two legs wide apart, she charges.


“Klay, where are we ?” Miles asks his wolf, who is walking beside him as they journey on a ground filled with white sand and the purple sky filled with twinkling stars was above them.

“ The place of oblivion.” His wolf answers with a sad sigh. “ We will get out of here once our mate is either safe or dead.”

“ No, we can't take that chances Klay. We need to get out of here and save our mate.”

“ I don't think that's possible, Miles.  No one has ever made it out of here. There's no way out of here, maybe there is.” The wolf plops down on the floor with a huff, whining as it's snout was on the floor.

“ If there is, we must keep on moving.” Miles smacks his wolf on it's butt, urging him to move. But his wolf made no move to stand up.

“ What's the use ? We have been walking like forever, not even sight a single soul.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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