Chapter 38.

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TW: Violence/Mentions of rape.

"H-hyung! Stop!" Jungkook chased after Tae.

But nothing could stop Taehyung, in his mind, was scum, the lowest piece of shit who deserved....hell.

Taehyung eventually saw the man ducking into a club.

"Caught you, y-you sick fuck." Taehyung's tear filled eyes only saw red, he followed the man inside.

Jeongguk hurriedly caught up.

"I.D please." The bouncer at the door stopped him.

Not now, not now.

Jeongguk fumbled to get his wallet out of his pocket. baby...

"Here! Look! Just..let me in!" Jungkook tried not to cry shoving his ID in the man's face.

The security shot him an odd look.

Itching for a party huh kid?

He chuckled then let him in.

Jungkook's eyes scanned the room, loud music and lights, the harsh smell of alcohol and sweat was almost overwhelming.

His eyes shot over to the end of the club, Taehyung was following someone out a back exit.

Oh no.

Jeongguk tried his best to get through the unforgiving crowd.


Taehyung stalked behind the man who lit a cigarette, he leaned against the wall and laughed to himself.

"Hey, what's the joke?" Taehyung spoke lowly tilting his head.

The man pushed up off of the wall, "Huh?"

Taehyung approached the man, he was face to face with him, his odor was a disgusting of alcohol, cigarettes and the faintest hint of blood...of the assault.

I'm gonna fucking kill you.

"You gonna kiss me pretty boy or just get up in my face?" He smirked.

Taehyung's fists clench, he leaned in close to the man, hovering over his lips. He turned his head to side and spoke spine shiveringly low.

"How about I rape you the way you just raped my girlfriend fucking cunt." Taehyung said just to scare the man.

His eyes widened, the man pushed him but Taehyung caught himself quick. He grabbed the man by his jacket, roughly throwing him to the floor.

"Fucking bitch!" The man got up and lunged towards Taehyung.

He toppled over, falling into a puddle, the man drew his fist back.

Taehyung felt a heat on his cheek, but nothing else. He kicked his knee up into the man's stomach, turning him over.

His fists slammed into the man's face, until his hands were sore. He stood up.

The piece of shit, groaned on the concrete rolling onto his side, spitting up blood.

"Rapist." Taehyung spat, then he actually spat on him.

He reeled his foot back, readying to let this man feel the full force of his...technically Jeongguk's chunky shoe.

"Hyung!" Jungkook shouted.

Taehyung's eyes snapped to the younger for a second.

Jeongguk's eyes widened, he'd never seen his boyfriend this way.

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