Epilogue: Kitty Girl

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See chapters 1 , 9, and 52 for reference.

"Thank you, we'll be in contact. Next!"

That means you're not gonna get a callback. Everyone knows that.

Auditions. It's exhausting, trying, and usually ends with little success. At least for this month's audition, that's what Delilah's currently thinking.

No matter how busy, how successful the partners became, this was something they'd taken complete responsibility over. It was necessary to find the people they felt were a right fit for the company. Had the right "vibe" as Taehyung would say.

"We have to look at them in the eyes and make sure they're safe." Hoseok would say. Always careful. Even if "We do the most background checks out of every other company." Delilah would try to argue. But it was lost, everyone else agreeing, and in all honesty, she understood. So once a month, any of the three sat for hours, interviewing and recruiting new excited (or desperate with the right attitude) workers. The rules for application were simple enough.

21 and up. Two forms of ID necessary. No younger. No, not even a month. Wait for your birthday, or maybe for your frontal cortex to develop.

All genders and sexualities accepted. Please make your pronouns known.

Fill out the kink form. Tick yes, no, maybe or unsure for each question. The form ranges from vanilla to BDSM.

If employed and housing becomes a necessity, fill out our housing application and send it to minsuga@bangmail.com, you be will interviewed then placed accordinly in a safe and comfortable apartment in Bang's Complex. We understand.

Simple enough.

Hoseok stretched, tugging his not needed glasses off to pinch the strain away, "Last person for the day...name?"

"Seong Hana. 26. Pronouns she/her." Jungkook read off the file, "Bisexual, lots of maybes in the kink list. Main position, Service Top. Hard no's degrading, slapping, knife play."

"She's your age, Kook. Oh, to be 26." Delilah groaned, leaning over to kiss to playful scowl off Jungkook's face.

"Baby, you're literally 24." Hoseok sat straight up, hair unable to fall into his eyes with the headband he may or may not have taken from Yoongi.

Delilah shrugged, "I have two kids. I'm old and worn out."

The scandalized gasp startled the three enough that Hoseok actually yelped.

"Oh, sorry sorry!" A girl, Hana probably, bowed deeply. Fluffy shoulder-length black hair whipping up with her. "I thought I heard a come in. Then I heard Delilah-ssi say that a-and it's not true! Not at all, you're still as gorgeous and amazing as ever- if not more!" Her dark eyebrows furrowed, pouty lips tugging down.

Hoseok opened his mouth to dismiss the accidental intrusion, seeing as Delilah still managed to get flustered at compliments despite their status. Cutie.

"I know you haven't been in videos as often, I thought it was because you know you just didn't want to after e-everything a-and then your babies- very beautiful by the way congratulations, uh- which is absolutely fine and okay b-but if you think it's because you're worn out or no one wants to see you, that's not true at all! I- I really like your work...uh all of you and your partners' work- b-but your work a lot..."

She shifted on her feet, face flushing after realising she'd been rambling on and on...again. She always does this.

"I'm sorry...i-"

"Thank you."

Hana's eyes snapped up to Delilah's...she was..smiling? Holy shit.

"I appreciate that a lot. Sometimes i do wonder if I'm not at my best anymore. My partners' reassurance and my own confidence is all I need to keep going though. I haven't filmed as much recently because I kept...leaking during filming..babies and all."

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