Dyad Part 2

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Request from Katerina_Andrea! hope you enjoy :)

"Okay, seriously? This is really not a good time," Anakin exclaims as the image of his togruta padawan floods his vision, startling him and causing sparks to fly from his mechanical arm as he accidentally allows the wrong two wires to touch. His mouth opens in an O shape before he finally shouts, "Ow!" in response to the shock.

Ahsoka doesn't say a word and that's... more than odd because she's usually very vocal when this happens, whatever it is (there's got to be a name for it). And by that, he means that when she'd accidentally appeared in his room while he was changing, she'd screamed so loudly that Obi-Wan had come rushing into their quarters to see what was wrong, telling them that nearly every Jedi had stumbled into the hall to discover what the noise had been.

They had even gotten to witness a rather disgruntled Master Plo in a night robe knocking on their door a few minutes later, making sure that Ahsoka was okay. He regularly checked in with her to make sure that Anakin was treating her well, and from what he had seen, his trust in the knight was growing every day.

The event had been embarrassing, but it had given Anakin and Ahsoka a chance to talk to Obi-Wan about what it was that was going on (once Anakin was fully clothed, thank you very much).

In fact, Anakin remembers, Obi-Wan's in the library right now, reading up on it. He looks closer at Ahsoka, and notices that her eyes are... closed?

"Oh," he whispers. She's asleep. 

He makes note of the fact that she isn't lying down, rather just curled up with her knees pulled to her chest. He resists the urge to rub a hand against the spot between her montrals, the way that he'd ruffle her hair if she had any. He doesn't want her to accidentally wake up—she looks so content.

"Alright, I guess you can sit with me while I work on my arm," he says, breathing out a soft chuckle at a fond memory of the first time that she'd gotten out of bed late at night, on the look for a midnight snack when she had found him reprogramming the toaster, just for the heck of it. They'd ended up not sleeping at all that night, staying up to upgrade almost every appliance in the kitchen, which was all very much worth it when the caf machine said good morning to Obi-Wan and he jumped nearly a foot in the air.

"Only you two would somehow terrorize the damn kitchen!" he'd shouted while they howled with laughter.

Ahsoka smiles beside him, and he's certain that she's picking up on his feelings about the memory. She's always been good at that—reading him and feeling what he feels. Maybe that's why they're able to do whatever this is, because they're so in tune with one another.

Her image is gone when he turns back around, but he can feel the peace she's radiating as if she's still right there next to him.

i wish all people who have ever interacted with me a very pleasant therapy

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