Chapter 8 - In Each Of Our Hearts

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"Oh, come on..." Shigiraki groaned, "what's going on, here? He's just as strong as he's always been. Don't tell me I was lied to."

"What's wrong?" All Might questioned, "Not attacking me? Didn't you say you were going to, 'clear this level' earlier? Well, come and get me. If you dare."

"Man, this is...intense." Bakugo shuddered. "Just as I expected. There's no reason for us to fight now, he'll handle this." Todoroki said.

"Come on, Midoriya!" Kirishima called, "We should regroup with the other guys. The last thing we wanna do is get taken as hostage, or get in his way."

'Crap. I can't fight them. That Nomu guy took too much out of me. I'm pretty sure if I make one more move, I'll be forced to go back to my weak form. I can't keep this up much longer. I just have to stall until they get here.'

"What?! Are you scared?!" All Might pressured, making Shigiraki step back.

'They're hesitating. Maybe this'll work. They're so close to surrendering, or at least running away.'

Shigiraki clawed at his neck with both of his hands, "If only Nomu was here. He'd rush you right now. Pound you into the ground without giving it a second thought!"

Kurogiri leaned down to the man, "Tomura Shigiraki, please do not fret. Look at him. He has definitely weakened. Nomu's attacks were successful. He's on his own. The children are frozen in fear, and look. Our underlings are recovering. We likely have a few minutes before their reinforcements arrive. If you and I work together, we can do this. We haven't missed our chance to kill All Might!"

"Yeah..." Shigiraki's hands slowly went down from his neck, "you're right. We have no choice. We have to do it now. I mean, the big end boss is right here."

The villains began standing back up, their attention drawn to the students. "I think All Might can hold his own against those main guys." Kirishima said, "Let's make sure these guys don't hurt anyone else."

"Will you be joining us?" Todoroki asked, turning back to Midoriya. Shigiraki ran forward, "CONSIDER THIS REVENGE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO NOMU!" All Might clenched his fists as Kurogiri also charged in.

'Where is everyone? I need backup!'

Midoriya jumped into the air, his legs now broken. "Wha-Midoriya?!" Shinra looked over to Midoriya's original spot, seeing he had charged Shigiraki and Kurogiri. His fist tightened as he got ready to swing. "DON'T YOU TOUCH ALL MIGHT! YOU STUPID VILLAINS!"

Shigiraki's hand went through Kurogiri's portal, his fingers about to touch Midoriya's face. The sound of a gunshot reverbed around the USJ as a bullet went straight through Shigiraki's hand. "They're here." All Might sighed, seeing Snipe aim his gun towards the mountains, shooting twice.

The villains began attacking, but Present Mic stepped forward. He inhaled sharply, "YEEEEAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Present Mic's yelled caused all the villains in the attack radius to cover their ears. Present Mic's scream was way louder than any plane engine, rocket, or ship horn. Ectoplasm released smoke form his mouth, creating clones. These Ectoplasm clones began attacking the villains.

"Our priority is to protect all of our students!" Nezu exclaimed, pointing down to them. Shigiraki stepped back, reuniting with Kurogiri. "Awh, man. The pros are here. It's game over for real. Let's go home and try over when we're-"

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