Chapter 11 - Calvary Battle Finale

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"Jeez, these people are crazy!" Shinra yelped, seeing many teams chasing his around. Arthur had been able to hold Shinra with one arm, the other equipped with Excalibur.

A blond teen with a periwinkle eye color charged at the second place team. "I'll be taking that headband now." Reaching out for the headband, Shinra instinctively smacked his hand away. For a split second, the boy's hand was on Shinra's arm.

"Heh, thanks for your Quirk I guess."

"Thanks for my what-" The blond left his team, jumping into the air. His shoes blew off as fire shot out of his feet. "He copied my Quirk?!"

Neito Monoma chuckled, "Your class is too small-minded. Think bigger." Monoma's hand grasped onto the headband, pulling it off of Shinra's forehead as he flew overhead.

Monoma landed back on his team, "Thanks!" Shinra's eyes went red with anger, his teeth sharpened like a shark. "There's been a change of plans. GET THAT COPYCAT!" Shinra, Tamaki, and Arthur charged forward.

"Tamaki, if you'd do the honors!" Shinra announced, having Tamaki unleash the heat circle. Monoma's eyes widened as he and his team were surrounded. "I knew you were keeping an eye on us!" Tamaki exclaims, "It wasn't difficult to figure out. For a time, your entire class lingered at the back, but you were fine with lower placements in the first course. But that's why I didn't show off any of my real techniques!"

Team Monoma could only watch as their new headband was stripped from them almost twenty seconds after retrieving it. "Guys, we got some electricity incoming!" Arthur warned.

Electricity bolts crackled, beginning to electrocute everyone on the field. "Crap, we're gonna get hit!" Sweat dropped from Shinra's forehead as the electricity raged on.

"I don't think so." Arthur said, throwing Excalibur at the electricity. Kaminari's attack swarmed around the plasma sword instead of coming at Shinra and his team. "What was that?" Shinra asked.

"Even I know that plasma is a electrically charged gas." Arthur spoke, "That means that the electricity was coming at us because of Excalibur. I get rid of Excalibur, I get rid of the problem."

"But won't you have to summon it back soon?" Tamaki questioned.

"I didn't think that far ahead just yet. By the way, we should watch out for that ice."

Ice swarmed the field and froze the legs of many Sports Festival participants. "Now this is something I can handle." Shinra said. He jumped into the air, grabbing the cloth of his teammates, attempting to pull them up. "You guys are so...heavy!" Shinra grunts, holding them up long enough for the ice to pass by.

"Now it's time to intercept!" Shinra exclaimed, heading for team Midoriya and Todoroki. "Kaminari is one of the biggest threats on their team." Tamaki analyzed, "But Yao-momo is super good with her creation Quirk."

Before getting any closer to the two teams, a ring of ice circled the two inside. "I got this!" Shinra exclaims, flames sparking from his feet as he bursts through the wall.

"Team Shinra has arrived!" Present Mic announced.

"We need the perfect time to intercept." Tamaki spoke, "They're aware of our presence, but their goal isn't to get us. It's to get Midoriya's headband. Let's use that to our advantage!"

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