[+] Sweepstakes

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I hadn't been sick in years. I had almost forgotten how absolutely horrendous it was until 2D and I both fell ill later that week.

Bearing witness to the miserable state we were in, Russel and Noodle insisted that we quarantine ourselves away from the rest of the band until we weren't contagious anymore. We reluctantly obeyed, bringing all manner of rations into 2D's room to hunker down for the time being. Despite being sick as a dog, I was in pretty good spirits.

2D and I laid in a heap of sheets on the mattress. A lone spring pricked through the pillowtop. It stabbed annoyingly into my side. A half empty tissue box rested between the two of us. There was a bucket on either side of the bed. Thankfully, they remained empty. I wasn't sure how long that was going to last.

The newscaster on the television chewed the rag with a couple of their peers over the Now Now. 2D released the music video immediately after he'd gotten the approval of the rest of the band. The only one with anything to say about it was Murdoc. When it struck him that he was the only one griping, he quickly shut his trap.

The video performed exceedingly well on the charts. I was proud of it. I was proud of 2D.

While I played only a small part in the production of the music itself, I noticed that the checks arriving in the mail with my name on them each month were growing substantially steeper than the last. If I was taking home that sort of dough, I couldn't begin to imagine what 2D's checks must have looked like.

To my elation, I'd finally been able to stow away a small savings.

I was hoping that maybe we could use it to run away. Although, the thought of leaving forever also made me kind of sad. Perhaps running away wasn't the right way to describe what I wanted anymore.

I couldn't pinpoint the correct combination of words to make sense of it. I wanted to take 2D someplace quiet, safe, and different from here. The thought of never coming back, though, only served to further upset my already queasy stomach.

There was a subtle rapping on the door. Noodle pushed it open. She carried an olive colored serving tray filled with all manner of food and drinks. I could hardly smell a thing, though it doubtlessly would have been heavenly if I could. The platter she set on the edge of the bed contained a couple of bowls of chicken soup, fresh bread, and two Fuji apples that had been cored and sliced. There was also a glass of orange juice, coffee, and water for both of us.

Her delivery of the tray was a little abnormal. She wore a mask, long vinyl gloves, and plastic booties over her socks. She set the assortment down on the bed. She said nothing and backed away slowly with her hands upraised, as if to say 'please don't touch me,' and left. I tried to thank her. The second we opened our mouths she slammed the door shut.

Through the wooden barrier she yelled back that we were welcome. The soft patter of her footsteps disappeared down the hall.

I chuckled halfheartedly. I couldn't sustain it since my chest felt like it was full of rocks.

"She's really scared of getting sick, huh?"

"Yeh. Noodle's a lil weird 'bout stuff like 'at. Doesn't like germs or somefink."

"I can't say anyone really likes them, but yeah."

"Dunno," 2D said. His voice was squeaky and hoarse.

"I sort ov like 'em if et means we could do 'is all the time."

"Lay in bed sick?"

"Yeh, et's alrigh'," he snuggled into me. Sniffling, he pulled the blanket over his shoulder.

"I kind ov like et."

I wrapped my arms around him.

"I guess you're right. I kind of like it too."

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