[+] How Far?

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I helped Noodle pack for another hour before she dismissed me.

She insisted that it was late and that I ought to get some rest. I told her much the same, though with the weight she carried on her shoulders, I couldn't imagine it was easy.

I expected a halfhearted smile. The one she wore was authentic. She hugged me briefly and ushered me out.

I stood outside of her closed door for a while, dumbfounded. Now that I was alone, my composure fell. My shoulders relaxed. My knees turned weak. My emotions mixed like water and oil. They collided and shoved each other out of the way, fighting for real estate in my mind.

In a few more weeks, the only people left in the house would be me, 2D, and Murdoc. I did not like the sound of that at all.

The door to 2D's room across the hall was slightly open. It was pitch dark aside from the ghostly blue glow emanating from the gap of the doorway. It was quieter than usual. The electric whir of the DVD player drowned out the voices on the television.

I crossed over to his room. I accidentally caught a glimpse of myself in the shiny bronze doorknob. I quickly looked away. My eyes burned. Despite the blurriness of the reflection looking back at me, I could tell that I had started to cry.

I tapped lightly on the door. I didn't wait for an answer.

2D was lying on his back on the mattress. He was almost perfectly straight. His arms were folded neatly over his chest. His feathery azure hair lifted with the breeze created by the box fan on the floor nearby. A faint slit of blackness peeked out from between his lashes. His breathing flowed in a steady, soothing rhythm.

He was asleep.

"2D," I whispered.

He was still.

I crept closer to him, mindful to walk on my toes rather than my heels so as to avoid the floorboards squealing beneath me.

I had somehow overlooked the wire running from either side of his head to the iPod in his hands. A crackling tune echoed through the headphones loud enough for me to tell that it was The Human League.

I was puzzled that he was able to sleep with the music playing so loud. I supposed that was simply how he was.

I crawled into bed beside him, wrapping my body around his. I nestled my head into the dip of his chest.

The feelings I struggled to bury when Noodle said she was leaving came flooding out of me like a broken dam. A hollow sob escaped the narrows of my lungs.

The scent of 2D's shampoo and the detergent of the freshly washed bedspread meshed together to create the aroma of home.

Simply being near him was enough for me to know that I was safe to express what was in my heart. I cried into him until a damp spot formed where I lay my head. Feeling guilty for messing up his clothes while he was sleeping, I sniffled and slowly moved to get him another shirt or something. I wasn't sure how I planned to fix it, exactly.

When I tried to get up, 2D pressed my head back down into him and held me there delicately with his palm.

"How long have you been awake?" I whimpered.

My throat was dry. My voice was hoarse. His free hand rose up, yanking one of the earbuds free.

"I wasn't sleepin'."


"Wha's a matta', luv? Maybe I could help."

"You already have," I chuckled. It was an unpleasant sound due to how congested I was.

"It's Noodle, 'D. She's leaving soon."

He paused.

"Is 'at righ'?"


"She'll be comin' back, won't she?"

"Yeah. I'm just sad because I'll miss her, you know?"

"S'okay to be sad, Saoirse."

2D smoothed down my hair. His touch was hypnotic.

"As long as yew know yew don't have to be sad foreva."

"I'll miss her a lot. It's going to be me, you, and Murdoc in a few weeks. It feels a little overwhelming. I - It's hard to see everyone split up like this."

"S'pose et is, yeh."

2D fumbled for a crumpled pack of cigarettes on the nightstand and drew one out with his teeth. He lit it with a match, waving the flame away.

"Et's always been 'is way, though. Yew don't have to worry 'bout et."

"What do you mean?"

"Us splittin' up. S'alrigh'. We always find each otha again enyway."

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