Chapter 14 ~ Traitor of blood

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It's been four days since I've spoken to Nick and I'm starting to mope. Mum's noticed my change in behavior and has asked me multiple times what's wrong but I wave her off and tell her everything's fine. But it's not fine. Because all I can think about is that night, in the garden with Nick, and that perfect moment where I came alive for a few heart-stopping seconds. The first time I've felt anything worth feeling since my fathers death.

But he said that it shouldn't happen again. Does that mean he doesn't want it to happen again? Doing what you want and doing what is right are two entire different things. Maybe he's just as conflicted as I am about the whole thing?

I mean he obviously has a very high reputation in the business world so why should he have to risk that for someone like me and my selfishness.

He needs to think about his company first before anything else. And besides, he told me himself. He doesn't believe in love. So why am I sitting around wasting my time and sanity on something that seems so minuscule to everything else in comparison.

"Hello, are you listening to me?"

I blink out of my thoughts to see Tabitha staring down at me with concern swimming in her eyes. It's after school and we're sitting on her bed studying for a test we have Friday but nothing much is getting through, so I've been drowning myself in my thoughts.

"What's been going on with you lately?" She asks as she leans over to turn the volume of the stereo down which plays "Even Flow" by Pearl Jam.

I shrug as I stare down at the math text book sitting in front of me. "Nothing. I'm fi-"

"Don't say fine or I swear I'll hit you with that book of yours."

I sigh and turn on my back as tears sting at the corners of my eyes. "Oh Tab, I did something that I shouldn't have. I don't know what to do."

I decide that it's probably best if I tell her as she'll probably find out anyway and be angry if I didn't. Besides, I need at least someone to confide in all of this.

Her brows dip together in confusion and worry at my sudden outburst. "What's happened Andy? You can tell me."

"I know," I sniffle as I wipe remaining tears from my eyes as I tell her everything that's happened from the hospital till the scene in the bathroom.

Once I've finished I peak a look at her to see her mouth hanging agape in shock.

"So...what was it like to kiss him?"

Despite everything I laugh. "Is that the only thing you can say after all that?"

She smiles, "Well what else can I really say? I'm shocked, obviously, and I hope you know what you're doing. But I can't really stop you from living your life the way you want to live it can I?"

I twist my mouth in contemplation, "No, I guess not."

"But," She holds up a hand, "If he hurts you I will hunt him down and cut off his balls with my dads machete that's dipped in poison and covered in spikes the size of my arm!"

I giggle. "Firstly, that might be a tad violent, but thanks for the support and secondly how the hell does your dad have a machete?"

"He bought it one time at Christmas for a joke," she shrugs casually, "apparently he was really drunk and thought it was plastic. Almost killed someone with it actually..."

"Oookkk then...I'm gonna go, I can hear my bed calling for me. Andy come back to mee...I think she's missing me."

Tabitha rolls her eyes, "You're funny. Ok fine get out of here I have to do some chores before mother dearest gets home anyway."

A few minutes later I hug Tabitha goodbye and walk down their long ass driveway. This is like a workout in itself and my body is just not in the mood for any kind of exercise. Period.

I plug my earphones into my phone and select a song to distract myself. After I told someone about what's been going on I feel as though a weight has lifted off of my shoulders. It's amazing what a few minutes of talking and listening can do.

As I'm almost at the end of the street I get a strange feeling that I'm being watched by someone. I discreetly flick my eyes around my surroundings but everything seems pretty normal; nothing out of the ordinary. I continue walking but the feeling doesn't shake much.

I quicken my steps until I've reached my driveway. That's when I notice the black BMW sitting out the front. It's there again for the second time in less than two weeks. Why though? Who does it belong to?

Just as I'm about to reach for the door, it's thrust open and I'm forced to stumble back so it doesn't hit me in the face. That would've been painful.

My eyes grow wide as I see who's standing on the opposite side of me with a ruffled white shirt, loose tie and suit jacket in hand.

Mr. Reeves Snr.

He stops in his tracks as he sees me standing at the door and all I can do is stare back at him in shock.

"Richard, darling what's the matter, you look like you've seen a gho - " My mum suddenly appears at the door in her silk nightgown to see what is going on.

"Andrea..." She gasps.

My mouth goes dry as I stare at the both of them.

"What...why are..." I'm at a complete loss of words but before I can say anything else, Richard whispers something in my mother's ear before leaving in a hurry.

I turn back around to mum whose face is as pale as anything.

"What the fuck is going on!?"


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