Chapter 26 ~ A Kiss and a Nightmare

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I smile. Out of all people, I wouldn't have expected him to know. But he did,and for some reason that meant a lot.

"I got something for you."

I look at him in surprise. He actually bought something for me?

"You didn't have to do that."

"Considering how much of a dick I've been lately, yes I did." He smiles, "besides I wanted to."

He stands up and outstretches his hand. I take his in mine; warm and large against small and delicate. As he pulls me up our chests collide softly. He fingers gently caress my face.

"You're so beautiful."

I open and close my mouth as a blush covers my face. I wasn't sure how to respond to that. Never mind the butterflies doing some serious acrobatics and ninja moves in my stomach.

He smiles noting my awkwardness, "come on."

Intertwining our fingers, he pulls me out the door and down the stairs. Like, a lot of stairs. It was a workout on the way up, I almost died.

As we got to the main foyer I was surprised that he didn't let go of my hand. I was a bit nervous that someone would see us but apparently Nick wasn't.

Stopping in front of one of the hotel doors, Nick tells me to wait outside. He enters and a few seconds later opens the door for me to come in.

The first thing I notice is the massive wood post bed in the middle of the room covered in satin sheets and plush pillows. My eyes then travel to the sliding glass windows that led out to the balcony. The stars are shining brightly from this side of the sky and the moon shon on the glistening snow of the mountains. I didn't realise that I was staring until Nick spoke again.

"This is the 4th time I've been to Switzerland, believe it or not. Every time I pick this hotel because of the view."

4 times, wow. I can hardly buy myself maccas most of the time.

"It's incredible." I turn to him, "and I bet you pick the best room too."

He shrugs, "well I guess being the CEO has some perks." 

"You mean a lot of perks."

"Like my very smart, funny, beautiful photographer."

"Ok now you're just over doing it." I laugh.

He walks up to and brushes a stand of hair behind my ear. "I love that sound."

I look to the ground and pretend to be interested in something on the floor.

"You know one day you're gonna have to learn how to take a compliment."

"Key word in that was 'one day'."

He laughs and shakes his head before walking over to the dresser where a small box sits. I didn't even notice it there until he picks it up.

"I hope you like it."

"I'm sure I will." I say as he hands it to me.

Nervously taking the box, I undo the pink bow and slowly slide off the lid, noticing how nervous Nick seems.

I look down to see an circled shaped   locket with lots of little diamonds encrusted in it to form intricate details of a flower. It was gorgeous.

"This is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. But... this is too much." I look at him with a frown. No one has ever gotten me something so beautiful before. Although, it must have cost a fortune.

"I want you to have it." He says as he takes out the locket, holding it up by the chain on either end. "Turn around."

I turn and move my hair to one side.

"It was my grandmothers." He explains as he rests the cold locket on my chest and continues to hook it together. He rests his hands on my shoulders. "It's been in the family for over 150 years."

I shake my head and turn to face him. "I don't understand why you would want me to have it? It has so much sentimental value...I can't accept it."

He places his hand on my face and strokes my cheek. "I know you don't. But you will. And hopefully you'll want to keep it."

"I don't get-" before I could say anything else, he smashes his lips against mine. I was taken aback by his sudden gesture but I didn't stop him either. Instead I moulded my mouth to his; taking and giving as if our lives depended on it. There was something behind the kiss though, something urgent. And all I could do was cling to him.

Grabbing onto the back of my legs, he lifts me up so the only thing I can do is wrap my feet around his waist as his hands cup my ass and squeezes slightly. Briefly breaking away from my mouth, he begins kissing down the side of my neck as I pull gently on his hair.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"God damn it." Nick breathes out.

He looks me in the eye, both of us breathing heavily, before gently putting me down.

"I should hide..."

"Why?" He frowns.

"Well this doesn't look exactly strictly business does it?" I ask him as I nod my head towards his disheveled shirt, crooked tie and messy hair. I didn't look too great either.

"You're right," he looks around the room before his eyes land on the bed. "Get under the bed."

I do as he says quickly just as another knock sounds.

"You ok under there?"

"I'm good. Go get the door."

He quickly moves and opens the door as I try and stay as quiet as possible.

"I'm so sorry to disturb you so late, sir...but you have to see this."

"What is it?" I hear Nick asks as the door closes and footsteps approach.

"It's about your father."

"What about him?"

There's a long pause. A long, heavy pause.

"You're mother and him are planning on a divorce."

"Well...I'm not really that surprised. I mean it was a long time coming I guess." A glass clinks and I hear liquid swishing. He must be pouring himself a drink.

"Yes but...there's a bit more to it than that." The man says nervously. "You see, he plans to be with another woman." Silence. "I know this must be hard, and I'm sorry. I didn't want to be the one to tell you."

"Wait...he's leaving my mother for another woman?"

"Yes sir."

"What's her name?"

My heart thumps loudly in my chest I'm scared the man will be able to hear it.

"I believe her name is Mariam Blythe. Do you know her."

Dun dun dun! Richard and Mariam...Nick and Andrea...! How do you think this is going to end? Not too well I presume.

Let me know what you guys think by commenting and don't forget to vote my lovelies❤️

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