Chapter 32 ~ Realisations

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As we lie in bed together, Nick softly running his fingers along my bare arms, I begin to wonder about everything I've been through these last few months.

My father, my mother and Richard, the necklace Nick gave me...

I can't help but smile at that particular thought and gently touch the beautiful pendant that lay around my neck.

"Everything is going to turn out fine you know?" Nick tells me.

I look over to him and stroke his face.

"How can you be sure?"

He shrugs, "I just know. As long as we've got each other by our sides."

I smile and gently kiss him "thank you for your input Mr optimistic,"

"Something tells me you don't mind my input" he winks at me

"Oh my god that was a terrible pun"

We laugh together as he pulls me on top of him and kisses me.

"Actually there's been something I've been meaning to talk about."

"What?" He mumbles.

"Something important, so I need your full attention."

"How can I possibly give you my full attention when you're sitting on me like this?"

I roll my eyes with a smile and stand up, wrapping the sheet around me. He sighs.

"Okay, now you may have my full attention"

"A while ago I told you about my suspicions with how my father died. I want to discuss it more."

"I remember you telling me. If you wanna talk about it then I'm all ears."

"Okay...well as I said, it turns out that he was working for the AFP and his cause of death was unknown, which was suspicious because he died in the car accident with me. That got me thinking that maybe he's cause of death wasn't unintentional. I know it's crazy but as close as me and my father were I hardly saw him, he was always away at work and I reckon he was on to something big. And that something involved someone that didn't want to be caught out and they got him killed for it."

"You're talking about someone having your father assassinated."

"I know what I'm saying Nick."

He shakes his head, "well what do you think he was on to?"

"That's what I have to find out. And I need your help."

He shrugs his shoulders, "okay, if you really believe this then I'll help you."

Standing up, Nick finds his briefs and puts them on. "Now when exactly did your father pass?"

I gave Nick the full details on what happened to my father, the day he died, and even how my mother reacted to his death. As I was telling him all of this Nicks brows creased with interest.

"What is it?"

"You said your dad worked for the AFP?"


"And he died when you were still young which means I was only a teenager myself...."

"Nick where are you going with this?"

He sits on the edge of the bed next to me.

"I remember one night I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs to get some water but I overheard voices coming from my father's office so I stopped. He was talking about selling something to Brazil and Columbia but someone was interfering with his trade so he wanted to have them 'stopped'."

My mouth gapes open slightly, "are you saying that your dad was the one to have my father stopped because he found out Richard was selling something illegal internationally?"

"I don't know what he was selling. I can't be sure. But at this point it's not looking good for him. He always has been a shifty bastard, always talking about..." Nick pauses.

"Talking about what?" I press him.

"About wanting a side business that didn't affiliate with his day to day work." Nick sighs heavily. "I think you might be right Andy...I think my dad was transporting drugs internationally and your dad was on to him."

"Can you be sure of that?"

"Look, I can't prove anything right now but I wouldn't be surprised. Richard has always done something to push the boundaries of the law without a care, doing something like this wouldn't be totally out of character for him."

"Just be careful Nick, if this turns out to be true your company could be in jeopardy too."

"Andrea, at this point, I could care less about the company. Right now, I care about you and I'm gonna do my best to help."

My heart was beating fast, I couldn't believe what we had just talked about...or even if it was true. I had so many conflicting thoughts within myself that I didn't know exactly where to start with them.

All I knew at this point was that Nick and I had to somehow find out the truth behind our discussion. Prove that maybe Richard was involved in the death of my father.

I internally gaged. I bet my mother wouldn't want to be within a ten foot pole of Richard if we find out this is true, knowing that the man she was sleeping with had the man she married murdered. It made me sick to even think about.

I looked at Nick. I mean really looked at him. He was nothing like his father. I could hardly believe that this strong, compassionate man was even related to him.

I lean over and grab Nick's hand.

"We're gonna figure this out. Together"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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