Chapter 22 ~ Folder full of Secrets

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"Annnnd that's the last of it." I huff as I load the suitcase into the car.

"The last? Honey that was the one and only." Tabitha giggles as we pile into Alec's car.

"Shut up, don't damper my excitement. This is the beginning of an era."

She rolls her eyes and smiles, "yeah for you. Now where do we need to go first?"

"Nick's office. I have to get the key to the apartment." I reply to her just as Alec's sleepy self shuffles out of the front door with a slice of half burnt toast hanging from his mouth.

"GOOD MORNING!!" I shout as Alec gets into the drivers seat.

"Oh my god shut the hell up! Some people would like to keep their ears thank you very much."

"She can't stop. She's excited."

"I'll give you something to be excited about." He quips as he wiggles his eyebrows both suggestively and playfully.

I slap his shoulder, "keep it in your pants Mr Grey."

"Really? Mr Grey?

"No? I thought that was a good about King Henry."

"Umm that would imply that I have syphilis." He frowns.

"Try not to be ashamed. There's creams and shit for it." Tabitha smiles.

"And don't take Kings of Leon's word for it. If your sex is on fire you might wanna get that checked out." I add and Tabitha and I both burst out laughing.

Alec shakes his head, "you know I didn't have to be a nice person today, I could easily drop you off on the side of the road and leave you both there."

"We love you. Now drive" Tabitha demands.

He sighs but smiles slightly before we pull out of the driveway.

Around ten minutes later we arrive outside of Reeves Enterprises. For some reason I feel slightly nervous to go inside.

"I'll be right back." I say as I open the door and hear them mumble a simple "ok."

My legs carry me through the hall and to the elevator. I automatically go to press Nick's floor number and wait to enter. When the doors open again the first thing I see, to my most unfortunate displeasure, is Lana sitting at her desk filing her long, red nails.

Ignoring her, I quickly walk over to Nick's office but she glances up just before I reach the door.

"Oh Andrea!" She calls out.

I flinch from the sudden noise and turn to face her. Without another word she extends her arm forward and hands me a key.

I raise an eyebrow. "What's this?"

She shrugs. "Nick wanted me to give it to you."

"Oh," ok then, "is he not in today?"

"No, he is. I guess he just didn't want to see you?" She pouts mockingly before smiling and walking back to her desk.

What the frick is wrong with that bitch?

Resisting the sudden urge to slap her, as well as squashing the temptation to walk straight into that damn office, I take in a deep, calming breath and walk back over to the elevator in a bit of a confused daze.

As I get back to the car I don't say anything, I just sit and wait for Alec to start driving.

Of course Tabitha has to ask though. "How'd it go?"

"Fine." I say with a small, totally fake, smile but I wasn't in the mood for a deep and meaningful conversation about a key because knowing Tabitha that's where this was headed.

Another five or so minutes later we pull up in front of the apartment complex. It's a building I've passed a few times and had only dreamed of ever stepping foot inside.

"Oh my god this is so cool! This place is amazing! I can't believe you're going to be living here Andy," she gapes at the building before quickly jumping out of the car to explore more of it.

"Look both ways before crossing the road you nutter!" I yell out as she sprints like a mad man across the street.

"So," Alec begins to say looking a little uncomfortable, "I wanted to tell you about this when we were alone, so I guess now is a good a time as any."

"Are you confessing your love for me?" I hold my hands to my chest playfully.

"Ha ha, so funny. No I wanted to talk to you about this man you had me look up."

My attention suddenly changes from zero to one hundred real quick.

"Did you find anything?"

He pulls out a folder from the glove compartment.

"This is everything I could find on him. Go nuts."

I take the folder from his hands. "Alec thank you. Really, this means a lot." I lean over and give him a hug.

"Just one more thing..."


"There's some other information in's about your father though. You don't have to read it if you don't want to but I'd thought I'd let you know. It's a bit confronting."

I stare down at the folder. There's secrets about my dad in here?

I smile tightly at him."Are you coming in?" I ask.

"Of course, I wanna see if they have a gym."

I giggle and we hop out of the car as I clutch onto the file tightly and shove it into my large duffle bag before following Alec into the building, silently dying to see what's inside that damn folder.


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