Chapter 17 ~ It just keeps getting better and better...not

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After Nick drops me off I realise how late it is, so I decide to text Tabitha instead of knocking and waking everyone up.

"Hey Tab I'm outside your door, come open up. Long story I'll tell you later."

After a few minutes my phone buzzes.

"Ok be down soon"

After waiting out in the cold for a little bit the door finally swings open and Tabitha, in all her wonderful morning glory, greets me.

"Hey what's going on?"

I walk inside and my mood instantly deflates knowing I'll have to tell her about my mother.

"Oh tab, I don't even know where to start." I say as my eyes brim with tears.

"I'll get the ice cream," she says and scuttles off into the kitchen.

I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch but stop as I feel something large move underneath me.

I realise it's not a thing but a person.

Oh my god I just sat on someone!

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you there!"

"That's alright, you can sit on me anytime." The voice chuckles.

You've got to be kidding me...


"Right you are Harry!" He quotes and I try not to giggle,

"You know I might find that funny if my name was actually Harry,"

"Well, I tried." He smiles but I can only just see it under the dim lighting. "So why are you here so early in the morning? Boyfriend troubles?"

"Not even slightly. Well at least not for me..."

He stays silent, waiting for me to continue.

I sigh, "it's...complicated."

"It always is."

"Ok so I've got cookies and cream or triple chocolate fudge but I'm guessing both...oh you're in here." Tabitha says as she turns the corner and sees Alec and I.

"I definitely vote both."

"That bad huh?"

I nod my head as she passes me a spoon.

I dig it into both flavours and take out a massive chunk of each before shoving it in my mouth.

Tabitha looks at me with sympathy. She knows that ice cream is my ultimate comfort food when it comes to bad things.

"I think we should put on your favourite movie and then half way through if you're feeling brave enough you can rant to me all you want, sound good?"

I nod as I try to fit in a big mouthful of the triple chocolate fudge.

"Wow you're really going at it." Alec says.

Normally I would take note that I looked like a pig in front of people but right now my care factors had dropped so low it was basically non existent.

Tabitha switches on the TV and the late night news comes on. As she's about to change it to 'DVD' I see the Reeves enterprise building show up and Alec and I both shout out at her to stop.

"Ok geez! Chill ya grill guys,"

We ignore her as we fix our attention to the screen.

"...Many rumours going around that the Reeves and Dubotski company will be merging together. Now we don't quite don't know what that means for the daughter of Harold Dibotski and the son of Richard Reeves but it looks like it's not only the companies that will be merging together, am I right George? Right indeed Linda! There's a lot of talk going on that wedding bells will be in the near future for these two successful offsprings. Apparently the two former CEO's of both enterprises have come to an agreement that before handing the company down, an arranged marriage would solidify the contract between the two of their new CEO's to further obtain the company's success..."


"Does that mean..." I ask in confusion.

"I think so..." Alec answers.

"Nick's getting married?" I whisper to myself in shock.

"That's what they said." Alec shifts to sit up and I can tell he is just as confused as me.

"To who?"

"Harold Dubostski's daughter." He says casually.

I roll me eyes, "Whose Harold Dibotski?"

"You've never heard of him?"

I shake my head no,

"He and Reeves enterprise kind of communicate with each other and help their business' out in exchange for money and whatnot, now I guess they'll find it easier if they become Dubostski and Reeves."

"And they want the daughter of this Harold guy to marry Nick so they can't back out of the merge because they want their company to be successful?"

That is beyond wrong.

"Yep." Alec says looking a little disgusted with it too.

"And who's the daughter of Harold anyway?"

"You don't know?"

"How many things did I really know before?" I tell him with a 'really' look.

"True," he shrugs, "I think her name is..."

I try not to laugh, "Oh please you don't even remember her name!"

"Yes I do! Just give me a second," He frowns and squints his eyes as if deep thought before realisation comes to him, "That's right, Linda!"

Tabitha rolls her eyes, "Linda was the news reporters name you dim wit!"

"Oh right...well I'm pretty sure it starts with an 'L'?"

I suddenly feel sick.

"It's not Lana by any chance?"

He clicks his fingers, "That's it! Lana. Alana Dubotski."

Oh fuck no!

Can this night seriously get any worse?

"Oh no!" Tabitha exclaims as everything suddenly goes dark and quite. "The power just went out...I guess no movie then."

"And melted ice cream." Alec says.

Yep, I guess it could.
Sorry short chapter I know!

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