Chapter 28 ~ Confident in Red

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Hey there everyone! Hope you are having a fantastic New Year and that you all enjoyed your Christmas😊 here's a new chapter for you guys, hope you like it! 

Vote if you love Santa🎄🎁🎅🏼😋

I awoke to my last day in Switzerland with a knock on the door. Groggy eyed and still half asleep, I mumble out an unintelligible response, hoping they would leave me alone to sleep. Instead the door swings open and footsteps approach the bed.

Reluctantly I open my eyes to see who it is but instead feel the bed concave slightly as someone sits down beside me.

"Morning sunshine."

I smile, "you know if it was anyone else waking me up at this ungodly hour, I'd be tempted to hit them. So consider yourself lucky."

"Should I feel special?"

"You should. This doesn't happen often." I giggle.

"While we're on the subject of feeling special...I want to take you out tonight."

I look at Nick with surprise. "Really? Where?"

He shakes his head and chuckles. "That would ruin the surprise."


He nods his head.

"Well I do like surprises. Only if they're good ones of course." I say as I briefly think of my mother. Surprise! I'm having an affair! Ugh.

"Of course it's a good surprise. It's our last day here, I'm not gonna make you run naked through the township...although," he says with a contemplative look and I smack his arm with a smile on my face.


He laughs. "Come on lazy, get up. One more day of photography and then we're free as a bird."

I hum in delight. Sounded good to me.

~ ~ ~

As I was getting dressed I began to contemplate whether or not I should tell Nick about what I had found out about my dad. That whether or not someone wanted him dead. I started making a pros and cons list in my head:

- Able to get this off your chest and talk to someone about it
- He might be able to help you with it

- If, somehow, someone finds out I told Nick about this, we might be in danger (I mean I don't know who these people are, they could be some top secret evil ninjas for all I know)
- I put too much stress on Nick because he feels obligated to help me out and he might not know how to which could lead him to feeling guilty.

Ok so I had equal pros and cons about my situation. The one that frightened me the most was us being in danger. I didn't want to bring that onto Nick. But then again as long as I was around him he might be in maybe if he knew what was going on he would have a better understanding of the whole situation.

I take a deep breath. I could just be overthinking all of this but I had to cover every single possibility of the matter. Better safe than sorry as my mother always told me.

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