Chapter 16 ~ Well There You Go

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New chapter up!! Hope you like:)

"What do you mean you know?"

We're cruising along the vacant roads in the thunderous dark as Birds of Tokyo ramble on about making plans in the background. Nick's been quiet ever since I blurted out that our parents are having an affair; saying only two words in the past seven and a half minutes which consisted of "I" and "know".

"I mean...I know about the affair," he says quietly.

I blink in silent shock. "And you didn't say anything? Why would you keep something like that to yourself?"

"No, I mean I know he's been having an affair. I just didn't know who with."

"Oh," I slump down in the seat and fold my arms across my chest, feeling slightly guilty about the accusation.

"I'm sorry," he says so quietly I barely hear him.

I shrug in an attempt to look casually uninterested. "It's not your fault. It's there's."

"It must be hard for you though...I mean with just loosing your dad, I can't even imagine."

I let out a humourless laugh, "It sucks alright. I just can't believe she would do something like this to him...and even after the accident. Why?"

I feel my eyes begin to water as I think about my poor father and Nick's mother...What if she doesn't know about this?

A few tears trickle down my cheeks but I quickly brush them away and turn my head to look out the window. A blur of tall trees rush by, so tall I can't see the very tops of them but only the browns, sickly greens and black cores of them instead, flashing before me so quickly until my head begins to spin.

Suddenly everything stops and I realise Nick is slowing us down until we come to a complete stand still on the side of the road.

"What are you-" before I can finish my sentence he reaches over and pulls me into his arms, embracing me in a comforting hug.

"It's ok to cry you know. There's nothing to be ashamed about. It's only me here."

I nod my head before bursting into tears again.

~ ~ ~
After crying my eyes out for about ten minutes and effectively soaking Nicks shirt, we decided to pull up to a cafe for a hot drink.

It's a cozy little place that I never even knew existed before now. It's got a vintage/hippie look to it, creating a relaxed vibe, the minimal lighting only adding to the feel. A bookshelf sits in the corner next to a mahogany coffee table and large chairs, covered in rich velvet are scattered around the room and the frames are beautifully dark in colour. The wooden floors have some marks and chips in them but it gives more of an edge to the whole look. The small speakers that hang from the corner of the ceilings play a soft, hypotonic beat and I find myself relaxing as I take everything in.

"Thanks" I say as Nick hands me a cup of steaming coffee.

I don't usually drink the stuff but I thought this particular occasion called for an exception as I knew I wouldn't be getting much sleep that night anyway.

I take a long sip as I look around and spot a purple and gold dream catcher hanging on the side of the counter.


"What?" Nick asks me.

"Oh, the's cute. I don't know why I've never been here before?"

"Not many people actually know where this is. It's a great place to come and think but the location was obviously not thought out properly."

I laugh.

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