Chapter 29 ~ Be Mine?

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The restaurant was quiet and cozy which is exactly what I had expected it to be. And it was exactly what I needed right now.

Dominic sits across from me with an eager smile on his face, "so, what do you think?"

I smile and take his hand in mine. It felt good that I could do that because nobody was around to see us. "It's perfect."

"I thought you would like it here."

"Well you were right,"

We continue to talk and laugh without a pause in the conversation. It flowed, natural and full of witty banter. The flip in my stomach didn't seem like a school girl crush anymore but something raw and deep. Something like love.

After we finish our meals we decide to walk back to the hotel. Luckily it wasn't that far of a walk but a bit of a hike up the hill. However I shivered from the cold.

Nick pulls me into him. "Cold?"

I nod my head as I snuggle into his chest, instantly feeling warmer.

"Andy...there's something I want to tell you."

We stop walking and I feel my heart pick up speed and my stomach drop a little with nerves. What did he want to tell me?

"We're going back home tomorrow so soon this...amazingness is gonna stop and we're gonna have to be extra careful."

"Amazingness? Is that even a word?" I laugh. "I know, I wasn't expecting it to be all rainbows and flow-"

"I want you to be my girlfriend."

I'm silent for a few seconds before I giggle. "Yes!" I leap into his arms and hug him before locking his lips onto mine.

"You know I thought you'd never ask." I say as I let my arms hang from his shoulders.

"Well I guess I'm full of surprises lately." He says and leans in to give me another kiss.

"You still wearing that necklace I got you?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask as I take it out from under my shirt.

"Well, it's more than just a family heirloom."

I knew there was more to it than that!

"I can't tell you all of it now but I will one day."

My curiosity is itching from the inside of me but I'm too happy to press on any further so I let it be as we walk back to the cabin hand in hand, laughing and talking all the way.

~ ~ ~

I'm already packed and waiting for the cars to arrive to take us to the airport by nine in the morning. As I watch everyone else getting ready I quickly run across to Nick's room and knock on the door.

"Come in!" I hear him shout as I open the heavy wooden door and shut it behind me with a soft click.

"Hey you," I smile as I walk further into the room.

"You know you're a very pretty woman but I don't think my girlfriend would like you being in here alone with me." 

"Well I'm sure she wouldn't mind me staying for just a little bit. Besides you don't seem like me type." I joke as I pretend I'm interested in my nails.

"Oh really? So you would never go for a guy like me?" He raises an eyebrow and quirks his lips.

"What's there to like? Sure you're very, very attractive and kind and considerate and wonderful but we all know what girls really want."

"And what's that?"

"23 adopted puppies and free makeup."

"23? Isn't that a bit much?" He laughs.


He leans forward and kisses my lips softly.

"How about one?"

I smile and frown at the same time. "what do you mean?"

"He, or she, could stay at my place. We'd both own it though and you can come visit him whenever you'd like."

"Are you serious? You wanna buy a dog together?"

"Deadly serious."

"YAY!" I scream as I hug him tightly. Finally something that we didn't have to stress about. A puppy! I couldn't believe we were getting a puppy!

"I love to see you when you're happy."

"Well you make me happy."

"I try." He smiles.

~ ~ ~

Sitting in the plane on my way back home felt bittersweet. On one hand I was going to miss Switzerland, the place where I reconnected with Nick and besides it was beautiful. But on the other...I was starting to feel a bit home sick. I missed Tabitha and even the routine of day to day life. I also missed my mum and the talks we had together. I think I needed to find a way to get passed what happened and forgive her. I also needed to find out exactly who was responsible for the death of my father because they sure had some hell to pay.

"You seem stressed." I say to Nick who's got his eyebrows drawn in together. He only does that when he's thinking deeply.


"Hmm?" He says as he looks at me.

"I said you seem stressed."

"Oh...yeah I guess I am a bit." He says as he sighs heavily.

"You wanna tell me about it?"

He looks at me and smiles with a closed mouth. "It's nothing you need to worry about. Just some work stuff."

"Are you sure?"


I could feel something was off with him. I guess I would just have to wait till we got back home to find out.

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